And the major action item is to do some internet videos with whatever video games are popular with those millennial kids these days playing in the background. Shot in Nancy Pelosi’s beautiful home–oh nm, she doesn’t want any dirty YouTube filmographers in her home but W is willing to let them use his ranch and his copy of EA Football Game 202425. See if we can get Joe Rogan to make a guest appearance, and we’re sure to recapture the millennial under 30 crowd!
Oh good, the corporate sponsorship money arrived, let’s split that up and go home. Don’t forget to set aside the King’s fifth!
I remember the very first time I saw that was a thing and wondering why the fuck would anyone ever want that? Can’t remember if that was before or after I started the habit of disabling autorun on any inserted media, too, though I do know that that was my reaction to learning about Sony’s rootkit.
Though I might be one of the few that didn’t like UAC because it wasn’t strict enough instead of because it was annoying. I wish it had a setting where every action required permission and the dialog included the specific thing it was currently tying to do instead of the vague “it wants to change things on your computer”.
An installer is likely going to trigger that prompt whether it’s legit or not, I’d like to know if it’s triggered because it’s trying to associate its filetype with its application or trying to overwrite a dll in an unrelated program’s files.