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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023

  • I remember the very first time I saw that was a thing and wondering why the fuck would anyone ever want that? Can’t remember if that was before or after I started the habit of disabling autorun on any inserted media, too, though I do know that that was my reaction to learning about Sony’s rootkit.

    Though I might be one of the few that didn’t like UAC because it wasn’t strict enough instead of because it was annoying. I wish it had a setting where every action required permission and the dialog included the specific thing it was currently tying to do instead of the vague “it wants to change things on your computer”.

    An installer is likely going to trigger that prompt whether it’s legit or not, I’d like to know if it’s triggered because it’s trying to associate its filetype with its application or trying to overwrite a dll in an unrelated program’s files.

  • And the major action item is to do some internet videos with whatever video games are popular with those millennial kids these days playing in the background. Shot in Nancy Pelosi’s beautiful home–oh nm, she doesn’t want any dirty YouTube filmographers in her home but W is willing to let them use his ranch and his copy of EA Football Game 202425. See if we can get Joe Rogan to make a guest appearance, and we’re sure to recapture the millennial under 30 crowd!

    Oh good, the corporate sponsorship money arrived, let’s split that up and go home. Don’t forget to set aside the King’s fifth!

  • He punched a guy in 2015 over available food options, which got him fired from BBC. His popularity didn’t take that much of a hit from this incident despite him clearly being in the wrong (Hammond and May both left BBC with him and they started a new show The Grand Tour, which wasn’t as popular as Top Gear, but was still popular.

    Then, in 2022, he wrote an opinion piece for the Sun about how much he hates Megan Merkle and included a bit where he said she should be paraded naked through the town. Amazon decided to not start any new projects with him after this, though they continued with the plans to wind down The Grand Tour which had already been established.

    He’s got a farming show now, so he wasn’t cancelled over this, despite burning some bridges.

  • There was an observatory that was picking up these mysterious spikes in radiation that they couldn’t explain. They thought it might be something new but couldn’t see any events on other spectrums that would go along with this random event.

    Eventually they figured out that the spikes were caused by people opening the microwave in the break room while it was still going.

    So I don’t do that anymore after hearing that story.

  • Lol back when games were simpler, they were harder because one of the few ways they could make a game harder was to reduce the amount of leeway you had from needing to do pixel perfect moves.

    Plus a lot of older games didn’t even have save points, so you either beat it in one sitting, left it on and hoped the power didn’t go out or no one else wanted to use the system.

    Oh and arcade games were often tuned to let you have fun for a bit then suddenly get way harder so you’d lose and need to put quarters in if you didn’t want to start over from the beginning and ports to consoles often kept these mechanics. I remember noticing the pattern in mortal Kombat, where I wasn’t very good at the game (in hindsight) but could consistently win one match only to lose the next one, continue and repeat until I ran out of continues.

  • Jupiter would have certainly had countless rocky, icy, and any other category of asteroid fall into it over the last several billions of years, so it’s not all hydrogen.

    And I’m not sure if solid is the right word. It’s denser than solids we’re used to, but it’s not necessarily making any bonds between nearby atoms, so they might flow to some degree.

    Though even if is solid at some point, it won’t necessarily be a sudden change from gas to solid or even gas to liquid to solid. The pressure is so high it might be more of a gradient than a surface like we’re used to here.

  • First death is friction heat as you enter the atmosphere. Avoid it with a heat resistant vehicle or suit.

    Next death is from extreme vibrations from the turbulence caused by supersonic winds. Avoid it with an aerodynamic and strong vehicle body that can withstand and stabilize in incredibly high winds.

    Next death is lack of oxygen. But you probably have some oxygen system on that vehicle anyway just to get there.

    Next is the freezing temperatures, around -145 C. Ok add some heating to your craft.

    Next is the crushing pressure, passing 1000x earth’s atmospheric pressure and it just gets higher from there. Hope you didn’t use carbon fibre for your vehicle’s main structural integrity!

    Then, if you’re not crushed anyways despite whatever you used to mitigate the previous one failing, there’s extreme heat to deal with again, just more of it this time. No known substance can withstand the heat, especially considering the pressure is still just increasing.

    Further down is the metallic hydrogen layer. Assuming you haven’t already been converted to plasma, you probably will at this point.

    And further down is the core that includes “rock” but I use the term pretty loosely.

    Some of your atoms might eventually make it there but will likely spend a long time just blowing around in the atmosphere after they were vaporized.

  • It’s frustrating but it does give information to attackers. If an attacker just sees the login attempt was rejected, then they have no idea if it was because the password changed, the user entered it wrong in the phishing form, the user realized it was a phishing attempt and gave garbage to fuck with them, the password expired, or if the service provider is on to them.

    If an attacker sees “your password has been reset and you must set a new one” then they have some information that could be used to social engineer their way into the account. Especially if it’s a work account where the email is behind the same password.

  • Step 1: find phishing site
    Step 2: find/write brute force script that doesn’t stop on successful login but has longer random delay between attempts (so it isn’t obvious it’s a form of a DOS attack)
    Step 3: poison phishing site data

    Use proxies from areas that would normally use the service the phishing site is mimicking.

    Bonus step: in case the phishers use the same proxies source, make enough invalid login attempts to the actual service to get the proxies IP blocked so they can’t use them to test the large number of invalid logins to find if any are valid.

    • Give a condescending lecture about their work but focus on irrelevant things.
    • If someone seeks mentorship for what they need to do to position themselves for career improvements, give wishy-washy responses that give the overall impression that you want to set up as many outs to deny the promotion as possible.
    • Give them a task about something that is completely new to them and demand results by the end of the week.
    • Continue pursuing projects even after their useful parts have been determined unfeasible.

  • My guess is that the brand names got stuck from their own popularity. People knew what they tasted like and might have reacted badly if they tried to tweak the recipe, whereas the budget brands were easier to either change or even discontinue and replace with slightly different branding. People were buying them for the price, not the recipe.

    And then, after enough experimentation, they were able to figure out something that matched or surpassed the brand names.

    In Canada, there’s the PC brand that I always considered a budget brand. Until I worked at an ice cream factory that had their own premium brand but also made some PC flavours. The PC ones looked better than the factory brand ones. The factory did things the old way (where ice cream flavours were still more about the ice cream than extras added) while PC focused more on the extras like cookie dough or chocolate caramel cups. I can only speak for myself, but I’m more into the extras than the ice cream itself, so it felt like PC was more in tune with what I wanted than the premium brand.

    Additionally, the premium brand sticking with the less preferred recipe kinda feels pretentious at this point, like they are being ice cream purists or think they know better about what people want, given the higher price.

    PC also had their versions of various pop flavours that have colouring on the boxes to make it clear what they were cloning and their Pepsi cola clone was just as good as the real thing but way cheaper.

  • Buddahriffic@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldPick 3
    2 months ago

    Yeah, the power gamer one is siphon abilities plus whatever two give the best advantage with that. Though psychic might be enough to negate any other, plus would help figure out where to get the others.

    Though it’s hard to meta game with just ability names. Like it could be god tier where teleportation works like you said and can be used on its own to find things or people, or it could be the kind where using it at all is risky because you might end up inside a wall.

    Psychic could mean you can freely look into the future, past, and present (like knowing your opponent’s poker hand). It could mean you get a warning if you need to deal with danger. Either of those could make invulnerability unnecessary (along with very rich, intellect, physical fighting, and others). Or it could just be con artistry like psychics that sell their “abilities” in the world we live in.

    Siphon abilities might be permanent, temporary, or might require contact with the ability owner to use the ability. Maybe you get a copy of the ability or the original owner loses their ability. Maybe it applies only to powers on the list or maybe to any skill/ability.

    Magic and divine power are especially vague, could be anything from the most powerful on the list (maybe even including everything else on the list already) to what real life magicians and priests can do.