He tends to do that, I would know
He tends to do that, I would know
Feng Shui is just an ancient Chinese way of saying “A E S T H E T I C S”
Obviously this is all for the meme and I agree with you that Europe has a lot of famous myths and folklore but you are daft if you think North America only has Big Foot/Sasquatch before creepypasta. Let me name a few for you: Jersey Devil, Wendigo, Mothman, UFO aliens, Flatwoods Monster, Skinwalker. Almost every state in the US has a cryptid. We got the Native American folklore to derive from. Not even including Mexico’s vast folklore and cryptids.
Sometimes you get tired of sitting in a chair all day. Especially if you don’t work from home
Man… I hope he’s up there getting the best stew going 😭
I like to call those huge trucks in pristine conditions, “Glam trucks”
Now I’m motivated… To get some fried chicken
My thought is that it helps the audience know what exactly they’re doing. Not saying it’s necessary because I think a good visual indication will let the audience know, but I think that’s what they were maybe going for.
Fandom is like a coin. A coin that has a shiny surface on one side and a dirty, rusty, smelly layer on the other. Some fans can have the passion and diligence to elevate the media while being respectful, while a lot of fans can be just down right hateful because it’s easier to do so while contributing to nothing
The first one is a classic, albeit a product of its time. I wouldn’t bother with the sequel though
Can you imagine? That sounds amazing
If I could freeze time, I would honestly use it to just have as much time to do nothing as I wanted without missing out on real time events. I wouldn’t even use it for anything else
Computer: Okay, smartass. You just lost all progress, so I hope you’re happy.
I don’t need any sleeping aid to go to sleep at night. My secret is that I’m always tired.
Welp, looks like it’s time to rewatch the entire series again
Ugh, this would’ve been me but I succumbed to covid in April this year due to being at a wedding… The one time I didn’t wear my mask 😷
Silly boomers, your views of how the world works is just as outdated as the iOS versions of your phones which you barely know how to operate.
I’m only five posts in and I’m already mentally tired