A lot of couples stop dating after they get married, it seems they just want to go through a checklist
You can? What kind of marriage is that? 😅
Edit: the only thing the boomer comments got right about my marriage is the lack of sex, other than that we are super happy and have absolute zero regrets
Are you sure? Or it went to Ontario, California?
Trying to read the room to decide which of my personalities will make them think I’m not so weird
Yes, but these can’t be resharpened
You can control which apps can send notifications to fitbit, at least on Android
But I agree, the Uber ones are the worst
Women are so cute and adorable and I love it so much better than imdb
It’s normal in my hometown but still definitely hot
People with social anxiety born before 1980 didn’t have the memes to express themselves
The only time I took one of those during a night road trip it have me a really big boost for about an hour and then about 3 hours of half assed energy. It wasn’t fun
Hacking the Vita is equally easy
I was about to pay for NSO extra or whatever is calledt o play Game Boy games then I realized I could do that with the Vita I had collecting dust
Super easy to install emulators and super easy to install “back ups”
You can even use an adapter to use high capacity microSD cards and avoid the ridiculous prices of the propietary cards
That’s bs, my salary was way below US minimum when I worked in Mexico for three different US companies
That’s why they do “Bible studies”, so they only read the good parts while also interpreting them to their convenience
Reminds me of this IG account:
When I was shopping for a VPN I skipped those two specifically because they advertised on most podcasts I listened to (I know they are good now but that made me skeptic back then)