yeah sure, I love wasting time arguing with bad faith actors! You’re clearly in the special group of the best thinkers, it’s so fun to spend time talking with people like you!
yeah sure, I love wasting time arguing with bad faith actors! You’re clearly in the special group of the best thinkers, it’s so fun to spend time talking with people like you!
Yeah this is totally warranted given the recent news. I mean, one side trying to expand medicare, the other gutting it. One side trying to close Guantanamo bay, the other opening concentration camps on it. One side trying to get money out of politics, the other side destroying democracy for want of more money.
Totally helpful, totally warranted, OP. Well done. Way to go. You’re so cool and centrist.
Can confirm, my High School Creative Writing and English Teachers were my favorite ❤️
jesus fucking christ
finally got around to finishing that, it was pretty good, my only beef was
whatever the hell Starbuck was after she came back? Also, they introduced the concept of cylons ‘casting’ visions, but evidently that wasn’t what Gaius was experiencing? then what was it? Seemed like they were pushing the idea of christianity in a freaking science fiction show, and it completely turned me off the last season.
Welcome to the Jungle - Gunz n’ roses
This Land is Your Land - Woody Guthrie
I like to do that with great albums. I’ll listen to the whole thing, just, over and over and over again. Until I’ve got pretty much the whole thing memorized. Then I go on to another one. I’ll only do it that way if the whole album is banging, though.
Past examples include:
EDIT: couldn’t find the full Tweedy Album, so just linked my favorite song from it
Oh god, what’s in the steaming tray in the last panel?? It’s a microwave meal, right?
Had a spider in my bathroom that I befriended. Named Steve. He was a tiny little thing that stayed on the crown molding, and had the foresight not to invade the inner sanctum of the shower space. I noticed Steve wasn’t catching many bugs, so I killed a fly, and while it was still twitching, I held it up for Steve to look at, then dropped said fly into his web. Steve must’ve been put off by the fact that the fly quickly died, and he didn’t bother eating it. Steve has now passed, starved up there in his web, without ever even touching that big ass fly I caught him.
Spiders are stupid. You’re a more efficient bug-killer by far, I’d wager.
From the golden age of Simpsons, Homer sneaking out of work to go to the Duff Brewery https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0jyOxna1x8s
shit I have a pair of inflatable twin mattresses that can be joined together. open up my sleeping bag, put it down as base warmth, with a pillow and another cozy blanket… That pretty much meets the definition
ok, be wrong in whatever fashion that agrees with you, then.
that’s literally what the dr gave. an opinion. Also, I’ve been to medical school and have been bodybuilding since I was 10.
While Dr. Schroeder refrains from explicitly mentioning specific Hollywood actors whom he suspects of using performance enhancers
yeah that’s why I used hugh jackmans wolverine as an example of what an unhealthy dehydrated body looks like.
These other guys aren’t dehydrated. They just look swole from getting a pump on directly before the scene was shot.
I doubt they’re even on PEDS. These body types are 100% attainable if you put in the effort and sustain it.
actually none of them look particularly dehydrated. They just look like they’re straight from a good pump. Dehydrated would leave them very veiny, like, prominently.
so gay. can confirm, am half gay. reusable grocery bags is the new “wear white aasics to a planet fitness”
That’s clearly a male pelvis in the radiograph. what is this, amateur hour???
omg dont put a paperclip in your ear
lol you’re a fucking loser. eat shit troll.