They should have like regret baskets midway through the store.
“Yes, could you please point me toward the baskets of shame?”
sigh “You again? Picard, you come here every week. When will you out ever learn? Here, let me help you with that. Right this way,”
I will go where one has gone…many times before.
If they had a dom on staff to slut shame us a bit when we get the regret basket, that would be amazing! 🤤
Whatever floats your boat!
Me going into costco: I just need a rotisserie chicken for dinner.
Ten minutes later: I guess I do need a 50 gallon drum of mayonnaise.
This got me. 😆
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Me dropping a $3 bottle of kombucha in the parking lot after cleverly avoiding the bag tax.
You can go through self checkout and lie at the “How many bags did you use” lol
You wouldn’t download a bag.
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Wait… That’s illegal
The grocery stores in my country make you scan a barcode on the bag every time. “Luckily” they pay their staff minimum wage and treat them like crap, so you can usually start bagging your stuff and most of the time nobody cares (not that I’d know from experience or anything)
At my grocery store it asks you, “How many bags would you like to purchase?”
And you say 0 because that is always the amount you desire to purchase.
If it was regular check out I might have to purchase them but I certainly would not LIKE to do so.
Oooor you can just bring bag with you into shop.
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I come in. Need 3 things. Grab 2. Get a call to get 2 more things. Remember i need one more. Then stand in line with a tower in my hands.
I’ve done this at Costco myself a number of times.
“Ah, I just need a bag of coffee and a thing of multivitamins. … Oh, we could use some smoked salmon. And, another bottle of Malbec. Maybe some frozen waffles… Ooh, they’re selling Amish-built sheds!”
And, then, I’m either manhandling half the store to the register, or I’m putting the stuff aside somewhere—looking a bit like one of those careless people who can’t be bothered to put stuff back—and making the walk of shame to get a cart.
Yea this happened to me at Costco when I forwent the cart and ended up deciding my dog needed a new bed. And then I decided I was to proud to grab one on the way out. I am such an idiot most of the time.
Protip: Just take a box from a shelf. They give them away anyway.
But the better tip is to always take a cart at Costco. And never expect to spend less than $100.
Unless I know I need a lot of stuff from Costco, I never grab a cart. It forces me to make significantly fewer impulse purchases.
Reasonable strategy.
Mine is to carefully consider the need for “extras”. But because prices are better and returns are easy I lean more towards purchasing than not. I am less inclined to purchase at other stores where prices are higher and returns nor complicated.
I’ve bought too many useless things that I never got around to returning to rely on my willingness to make a second trip for returns, haha!
I buy most of my groceries and gas there so I’m there at least weekly so returns are easy for me…when I remember to bring them with me.
imma just grab a chicken
Idk who that man is beyond I’ve never seen him expressing any emotion other than social anxiety he’s like the socially awkward version of the Terminator
I put everything in my backpack. If I can’t put something in my backpack, then I don’t buy it
A lot of places where I live don’t allow people to carry backpacks throughout the store due to theft
Yeah, I was going to say. I’m too paranoid to put things in the bags I bring in. Not up for the drama with an over zealous anybody and inching up the chances of getting shot.
and inching up the chances of getting shot.
Oh. Right. Certain part of certain America.
I’m really annoyed my local grocer got rid of their baskets. They said it was a part of cutting costs.
Were they using disposables?
boy. mine still has them and they have two sizes of carts. I actually really like the small carts.
And that’s when you got rid of your local grocer?
People would just steal them after the plastic bag ban, grocery store just never replaced them.
Reported: I’m in this post and I don’t like it!
Not using a basket keeps me from buying a bunch of extra shit I probably don’t need.
Just wait until he discovers the store no longer provides bags….
No, they’ll still provide bags. But it’s the woven cloth ones that cost $1 per bag. I have about 57 of them at home.
Tote life!
so you’re pretty close to being able shop there and provide all the bags you’ll need without needing to buy any more.
This is how it usually goes:
I have 57 bags at home
I have 0 I remembered to bring
I now have 58 bags
Or alternatively, if you just get charged a bag tax, you can go through self checkout and lie about the bags you used lol
I keep them in my car for this reason. And I also have one that folds up into a little carrying tote that I keep in my purse just in case.
Yeah, that’s a nice idea until I realize I can forget the bags in the car just as easily as I can forget to bring them from home. Fortunately I don’t carry a purse, or I’d forget that in the car too.
You can grab a cardboard box at checkout.
For free. I have yet to encounter a retail store that won’t sell you a bag of some kind.
This is just an advertisement for this store. does this place have a hail corporate yet?
It’s just a genuine thing that happened to me. Not everything that mentions a store is an ad.
But capitalism!n!!n!!n
What’s happening is that when things act as an ad they fulfill the same marketing purpose as a paid advertisement. Just because it happened to you, doesn’t mean talking about it online is not marketing in its effect. But I see where you’re coming from.
This idea is like thinking that people with shirt with huge brand names on them are helping to raise that brand’s awareness level with others. Things can be more than one thing at the same time.