Hello. I am a single, middle aged man from midwestern United States. Pic is not me.
I think they forgot the umlauts
I think this is it. The 5 factors instead of 3.
I also think there was something to do with fractions of an inch too. Like that divisibility was also an advantage of imperial.
I’ve read that it is more easily divisible than metric.
Divide a meter by 3 or 4 and get ugly numbers but a foot or yard divide by 3 or 4 quite cleanly. And so on.
Depending on your application this can be very helpful.
8 mugs…8 tentacles! Perfect!
Wow. That had much more depth than I was expecting.
Table on the side?!?
Man don’t need no extra table.
It is different.
There are 2 holes in the tank so it sends 2 streams of water into the bowl. 1 stream spins around the bowl keeping it cleaner than most toilets. My plumber also believed it is thicker porcelain than most modern toilets.
More info: https://www.americanstandard-us.com/innovations/vormax-flushing-technology
I got a Vormax toilet a couple years ago and it is a HUGE upgrade from my old round toilet. Elongated toilets only in my house from now on. And I can sit on the throne and scratch my balls as much as I want with no water contact.
I did some deadlifts over the weekend. My body won’t let me forget what I did every time I do anything.
You’re NOT doing that?
Kinda like…
…yo momma!
(sorry…it was a beautiful setup…I could not resist)
How’z 'bout I PONG your HEAD, Kenneth? Would THAT be funny?
The trick that I’ve used also works for OCD: Say it to yourself. “The door is locked.”
Works pretty well.
The interwebs seem very, very concerned over Mac and Don’s supperclub’s ability to provide an awful excuse for “ice cream” in the world’s worst cone. Stop the madness. Touch grass and eat real food, nerds.
Honestly, this is a lot better / more hopeful than other stories. These people are doing far better than the homeless in tents. In winter.
Like these poor people: https://www.startribune.com/minneapolis-nenookaasi-homeless-encampment-packs-up-and-moves-three-blocks-south/600332431/
Your question assumes that users have a clue. Unsafe assumption.
I feel dumber after reading that.
Thank you.