I liked that it was easy to find on sale for like $30 a year, cheap 1tb backup. I’m getting more annoyed with Microsoft in general now though.
I liked that it was easy to find on sale for like $30 a year, cheap 1tb backup. I’m getting more annoyed with Microsoft in general now though.
sorry I’m just so understaffed in here
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former bird employee on how it’s almost certainly fake
I actually thought Microsoft was doing pretty well 2015-2020, then these past few years some of their decisions have felt really anti user
cities were built around them, they just get really inefficient as a city gets bigger. People are mad since most cities are just too far gone now.
mailbox dot org gang 🤙
this comment actually made me upset I’ve realized we’re halfway through December and I haven’t had tamales yet
You can see this in Waze if you open the map editor. you can only edit a certain radius around where you’ve been, so your editable area is like a fog of war.
well I’ve gone back on one of those promises
I’m really annoyed my local grocer got rid of their baskets. They said it was a part of cutting costs.
I relapsed when I found out you can patch in your own key to still use third party apps 😬
for a sec I was looking for a loss meme
when I get emails from 2 PMs at once
“we put Kanto and johto on a single cartridge”
3? phones started using them in 2015
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