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So you’re going to commit a murder.
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We know, Stams. We’ve been watching you.
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This is exactly the kind of stuff that has us concerned.
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Cthulhu: what are you doing step insignificant human?
I’m just betting on Dhalsim spontaneously combusting.
Just use some plastic cover on the furnitures.
“the only winning move is not to play”. —WOPR
Fun fact: The WOPR was an empty fridge box decorated with Christmas lights. I got to see it on set as a wee tot. My dad did all the computer graphics for Wargames.
Also another fun fact: the original prop for the WOPR still exists! It was sold at auction a couple years ago.
Amber, but I’m gonna turn the tables and shit in her bed first.
Jokes on you. That’s her kink.
I’m not certain who either of these people are.
I’m jealous of you
On the left we have Amber, Johnny Depp’s ex-gf, that enjoys long walks on the beach and pooping on your bed when she’s upset with you like an angry dachshund.
On the right, Will Smith’s wife Jada Pinkett. Not sure where to start with her except to say I wouldn’t trust her alone with your kids friends.
I just Imagined Johnny rubbing her nose in it saying “Bad girl, No pooping in Daddy’s pillow!”
We don’t need to know your kinks, thanks.
Amber Heard: Johnny Depp’s ex-wife. There was a highly popularized court case recently where it was revealed that she was highly abusive toward Depp, both physically and mentally. In one case, she threw a wine bottle at him, resulting in one of Depp’s fingers being smashed apart. He had to go to the hospital to get it repaired. After the divorce, she would claim (and still claims) that Depp was the abusive one in the relationship.
Jada Pinkett Smith: Will Smith’s wife. People have been picking apart the relationship recently and have realized that Jada does not love Will Smith. In fact, it seems that Jada is doing everything in her power to humiliate Will. She has admitted, without any remorse or shame, that she has cheated on Will with her son’s friend. And in interviews, she would constantly speak badly of Will. Despite this, Will appears unwilling to let Jada go, and appears to still love her
After the divorce, she would claim (and still claims) that Depp was the abusive one in the relationship.
That’s how domestic abuse is often viewed by the offender. “Look at what you made me do!”
Your should consider yourself lucky, but I’ll do you the disfavour of explaining that Heard is Johnny Depp’s ex who was clearly highlighted as a horrid, horrid person in a recent trial, while Smith is Will Smith’s ex, who cheated on him with their son’s friend and who also seems pretty horrid.
Jada isn’t Will’s ex though, they’re still married, she just acts like they aren’t
Oh, good point.
Honestly, I shouldn’t have responded - I very rarely follow celebrity gossip. Those two got quite a bit of coverage on healing news and talk show monologues though.
If you think Amber is a 10/10 you got some issues. Or you just really love having someone shit on your pillow
edit: the number of heard simps in this thread is disgusting
They’re talking about looks, obviously…
Looks alone won’t get you to 10/10, imo…
Unless you’re talking specifically, solely looks, which I think they did
If looks could shit on your pillow, while ego mups watches.
I expect some ugly mf will still want to disagree that she’s 10/10.
She’s nuts, but about as close to an objective 10/10 as you can get.
She’s kinda just “generic blonde girl” there’s nothing interesting or unique about her. I guess if you’re into interchangeable blond white girls she’d do.
She really isn’t…
Seriously. If she came up to you in a bar, or a park bench, anyone would be all over it. Anyone that says otherwise is either fooling themselves or a gay guy.
I can see how people find her attractive, but she is not my type at all. To me, she seems generic and unappealing looks-wise. She’s definitely not repulsive at first look, but nothing special either. Again, this is to me since I guess I have unconventional taste. However, throw in her toxic personality, and she becomes unattractive.
I’m just saying if you saw her at a bar, knowing nothing about her, and she came on to you.
Knowing who she is, she’s repulsive.
I think you’re being sincere, but I would just add: have you ever seen an actor or actress in real life? It’s usually like, “Ohhhhhh…okay. Holy shit.” Imagine the difference between a picture on Tinder and when you meet–usually, they’re more attractive in-person, because good pictures are hard and a picture only shows so much. Now multiply that times Hollywood good looks and I think you’re severely underestimating what a gibbering mess you’d be if she were anywhere nearby.
Thank you trusting my sincerity. I agree that it’s possible she is more attractive in person. My point is that the style of her look is not something I find particularly attractive. I’ve only dated one girl with that look, and it was for a short while. I acknowledge that they can be and are regarded as quite attractive to others. However, It’s not what I find appealing in particular, and they’re definitely not a 10/10 to me. In fact, I was honestly surprised when I saw that Reddit had an obsession with Scarlett Johansson because until that point, I had never realized that she was seen as an epitome of beauty. I don’t want to speak poorly of them, but while I acknowledge that a lot of people find them to be gorgeous, they have physical qualities that I don’t appeal to me. However, Zoe Saldana and AOC 🤩.
I’m with you on that. Seems like a case of brunette preference.
I agree with you that AOC is dreamy.
I’m gonna counter this with photoshop.
Well I’m gay and a guy and I’m honestly not interested in either one, especially not JPS because she’s kind of volatile in a mean-spirited way. Not that I haven’t had girlfriends, my first three sexual experiences were with women and it was amazing. I still have pictures of nude women to look at when I’m in the mood. Being gay doesn’t mean my “man parts” can only be turned on by guys - and most guys do not turn me on.
That’s… my point. Gay guys wouldn’t be interested in her.
Your sexual history isn’t important for this.
At least I have a sexual history.
Now you just need to learn how to be mature
How about you shut the fuck up, you incel? Just because not everyone is into the same 08/15 blonde bimbo looks you are doesn’t mean they are gay. God, people are so braindead.
And so what if they ARE gay, why is that still considered a terrible insult. I’m gay and I have an amazing life, it’s been a great gift. And I find many women very attractive, where does this idea come from that if you’re gay, and a male, you must dislike the looks of women? Because that is not true at all.
Who said being gay was an insult?
I just mean people saying something or someone is gay as a put-down. As a gay person, it’s actually wonderful - I don’t see why it is any kind of a put down at all.
Don’t spin this into some fucking acceptance shit. I don’t give a fuck who you stick your dick in. The point that drives me wild is that this piece of shit implies that the only way someone could disagree with him is if they aren’t heterosexual. Well, I am and I think this woman is okay looking, but I wouldn’t do a backflip if I saw her on the street. I just fucking hate this incel shit so much.
If you don’t give a shit, then why get upset over it. Calling someone a piece of shit because you are overly sensitive about “incel shit” is really your own personal problem and shows a huge amount of anger and lack of empathy toward others whose views differ from yours. And that’s gonna be a miserable way to go through life.
Lol wow, someone felt insulted for no reason. Calm down Brody, it’s not that serious.
Or you just really love having someone shit on your pillow
You just kink-shamed the second-best half of a perfectly good vore fetish.
Edit: grammar
Even legitimate degenerates can’t stand scat - that’s how you know it’s okay to kink-shame them.
You’re thinking way too nerd about it.
She’s obviously a 10/10 in the looks department.She’s 4/10 to me. Even before I recognized who she was.
People have different tastes.
Wow. You don’t say.
Lol no. Get glasses.
Is there a pre nup? How long do I have to stay married?
Double murder suicide ftw
Heard is hot so duh
Lazy meme. It can be anyone, anytime and any form of marriage.
Heard the turd I guess.
She’s not even close to a 10/10. In that picture, I wouldn’t give her a 7/10.
Lol heard is closer to a 2 than a 10
I thought things were a bit more complicated than Heard being a sadistic hore. She was only convicted after Depp staged an open trial in order to avenge his initial conviction.
Staged an open trial huh
He means brought a civil case.
Yeah, thanks for correcting me. I didn’t follow the whole story and, looking at the downvotes, I must confess that my opinions on the matter are much less decisive than that of the people from this community…
That’s fucked up what sort of evil person does that
Haha alright grampa let’s get you back to bed