I started dosing the prewash with a bit of powder after that video
I’ll be fine, I took a lactase tablet twenty minutes ago.
Pappa don’t preach with a boner
Here I am trying to pay bills, and a fucking ravine is earning enough to just by $40k of shit from Amazon
I’m kinda hoping there’s a GCU already in orbit. If there is, and you see this, ship, I’m ready to be uplifted now.
Presumably the same way the F-117 does
Don’t worry, they mean the bed of their truck. The airflow at highway speeds ensure all crumbs are carried away immediately!
Their foil is pretty good at keeping stuff fresh too (as well as making good anti-mind-control hats)
And in conservative America they’re called Ourteruses
I seem to remember buying cd singles back in the day that included remixes of the title track on the disc
Imagine not being able to jerk off your instrument
They’ve existed in at least two centuries
Pay $1200, obviously
As I type, I’m eating previously frozen pizza I put in a cold oven then turned on fan mode at 180. By the time it reached temperature it was evenly cooked
I’ve had the same OLED screen daily driver since the first week of 2018, no burn in or any other problems.
They’re not all bad.
Nor did the Nexus 5x that followed it. I’m not sure about the first Pixel, but the Pixel 2 had AMOLED and mines still going strong, no burn in or screen issues of any kind, even despite me prying it off a couple of times to replace both the battery and usb port.
So I should also close the window, before shutting the curtains?