No one will dig up our Lemmy posts in 1000s of years. :(
No one will dig up our Lemmy posts in 1000s of years. :(
Don’t even get me started on finding decent copper.
I used to, once… Ah well, back to the pit of despair, see ya!
I thought that much was obvious, sheesh
3 month milestone: baby is so over it
As a parent with a kid who didn’t sleep well I knew what you meant lol
Remember photo cds?
The hardest parts were setting up the tripod and then getting the subjects to hold still for so long. That Lincoln guy was the worst.
Don’t like it? More for me!
If you’re apologizing for something you did, you likely would say either.
If you’re at a funeral you might say to the survivors of the decedent, “I’m sorry” as in, “I am sorry for your loss”. Whereas saying “I apologize” to them can only mean you believe you’re at fault for the decedent’s passing.
As someone who also uses the three major OSes often, Mint is a great choice. Fedora has been working nicely for me as well.
Also wanted humans to have knowledge and know right from wrong. This guy is sounding better and better.
Fucking ew.
I finally have a support system!
I like Wendy’s also and this really fucking torques my tacos. Well, fuck them. I’m not going to be ripped off because I choose to eat at a popular time of day.
I never want to be without one again.
I found this on skeptics stack exchange. Supposedly, it’s a hoax/urban legend that goes back way before the internet. (The entire stack exchange page on this topic is fun to read, btw)
One writer found this same quote in a slightly earlier source dating to 1908.
Yet another writer noted that there was no Chaldea but …