Hopefully it’s just an Object of Power and not a sentient carpet like from Aladdin.
Imagine if someone came up to you, unraveled your meaty squishy wet insides, and made you into a grotesque form of human flesh suit
This meme is a horror story.
Goodbye Horses starts playing
Flying carpets clearly fly because of the runes and symbols knitted into their design. This would not work in real life.
Obviously you’d re-knit the arcane runes into the new design
I thought that much was obvious, sheesh
Noob for sure
In that case, would you even need to use the same yarn?
Carpets are woven, not knitted. To preserve the power, fold in half, stitch partway up each side to form batwing sleeves, and cut a careful slit in the center of the fold to poke your head through. Less flexible than a knit sweater but still warm and more likely to fly.
Now make gloves so you can punch with the force needed to fly
Sighs… let me tell you about this one guy called Theseus.
That sweater would be so thick and scratchy.
For best results, use a flying fuzzy bath mat
Footy pajamas would be even more comfy.
You’d have to be really small or have a huge giant carpet for there to be enough material for that, though…
Maybe it’s bigger on the inside.
So we’re talking about unraveling a Tardis now? 🤔
When it comes to magic carpets and flying time machines, I certainly don’t know what is and is not possible.
It’s all about the fabric of time.
be very small
footy pajamas
Flying baby ahoy
Instructions unclear. Got strangulated by magic sweater.
You forgot knotting together 1 million small threads before knitting it, but a very cute comic.
Then when it gets too hot you can just fly North