I hate that cliche’d, untrue, glurgey phrase with a passion. But your point is good.
I hate that cliche’d, untrue, glurgey phrase with a passion. But your point is good.
I mean, it really depends on the details. I didn’t exactly claim these were balanced meals, and honestly I don’t think cheese has a significant negative impact on people. But we’re comparing it to what the person probably used to eat, to heavy-carb foods (especially “salads” such as potato salad), and to foods that lack nutrition. These salads have a lot of nutrition and not a lot of carbs. Salt and the worse fats are probably the biggest problem here.
Dietary cholesterol being bad for you is a myth.
Not gonna lie, this isn’t that bad. Especially if the dressing you drench them in is fatty instead of carby
Same, I do not feel this post at all. If you as a YouTuber can’t do some good research and write a longform essay (like Lindsay Ellis), I will pick director and crew over any random youtuber.
The Catholics are the Christian denomination that practices idolatry (in the context of their religion) as a staple of their religious identity. You gotta be pretty accepting of inconsistent bullshit to be a Catholic.
That’s not how that happened.
As an autistic person, I literally can’t look at repeating animated GIFs or images with short loop cycles. When people post them in chats, I have to scroll past them, or even scroll up and not look at the new posts until I know the moving images will be above the window threshold once I scroll back to the bottom.
I hate you so much. Here, have my upvote.
Japanese entertainment and good ethics don’t really get along. Case in point: Endwalker.
A good percentage of my novel (WIP, third draft) is about that. It takes place in this space age afterlife where objective and good space angels categorize and separate people by the development of their consciences. And the villains’ activist group is in the self-righteous category, and they don’t believe in the forgiveness and redemption of many kinds of people. The two main antagonists are a husband-and-wife duo, and the husband is bitter from tragedy after being one of the earliest fighters for womens’ votes in the US on Earth. He ends up coming to terms with the harm he’s now caused in the afterlife in the name of revenge against wrongdoers; and then the protagonists convince him that he too has the right to atone by being— and by doing— better.
Admittedly, since in this universe people can be reincarnated indefinitely, the harm that people cause (whether back on Earth or in this afterlife) is softened. As an interesting bonus, though, I will say that the villains did seize the means of reincarnation and start deciding who gets to be reincarnated— until the protagonists win, of course.
Also also, that theme is just like a quarter of what the novel has to offer theme-wise. It’s also largely about healing from childhood trauma, mental health tools, identity discovery, found family, and kinder perspectives. Also the space angels are super cool and have interesting science-fantasy powers; and the science and sci-fi stuff is really cool as well! (Yes, I did just devolve into advertising. You would have too!)
And being born with a widow’s peak
be very small
footy pajamas
Flying baby ahoy
“Kids are dumb” is your conclusion? Eff off. Adults fall for the same tricks kids do. Else things would cost $7.00 instead of $6.99.
Not a bad take, clearly can be read that way in the English. But I don’t read Greek, so I can’t tell you one way or the other.
You clearly don’t.
I think maybe a lot of people failed to see that “Sure.” doesn’t necessarily mean sarcasm, and didn’t used to.
I don’t know what rock you’ve been living under where you think base Firefox wasn’t ever improved