Paw and Maw, haw haw haw!!!
Paw and Maw, haw haw haw!!!
Should we be shaming him for his genderhumanoid-affirming care?
I meant ULTRA heat-treated.
Beyond pasteurized.
If I want that cooked flavor I open a can of evaporated (not condensed which has a lot of added sugar) milk. It’s yummy in coffee and any cooking/baking use.
I believe OP is joking
UHT is the opposite of raw milk.
It’s not prisoners’ labor, just farmed in an old prison
Interesting, what does it say to: Hitler is a Nazi or Obama is a Socialist? Does it have a thing against categories or does it just protect Elon?
Jokes aside, warm or hot horchata is yummy
Yes, a medevac plane crashed into a mall in Philadelphia.
Usually followed by “but…” and a shitload of misinformation and outrageous lies.
It’s almost never followed by “so I listen to the scientists who have researched the facts of this situation.”
(Added the “almost” because there are a few politicians who do respect scientists. None of whom are Republicans.)
Time to earn the trust they had in you. Support your local PBS and NPR stations.
Both people in the OP are trans. They’re asserting their right to just BE, not expend all their life energy constantly EXPLAINING, especially to malicious actors who barrage them with “discussion” that’s just digs in disguise.
Even if we owe it to them, we can’t demand it from them. We can’t demand they traumatize themselves further, or allow us to traumatize them further, which you’re very likely to do even if your intent is the opposite.
Great but who will star?
I know better than to tell any kind of cat what to do.
They know, they just don’t want other companies to know. They might steal the cat girls
Even in today’s political climate I’m pretty sure the State of California will still be able to make your payments over 30 years. If you didn’t spend it on anything else, you could make a start on that grocery chain. You’d probably learn a lot in the first few years, some expensive lessons. But having started small, you could put the next payments towards putting those lessons to work as you expand. Meanwhile, you’re not investing any attention or risk into those funds. But you do hypothetical you!
Editing to add, the guy who actually won might be able to do some real good in his own neighborhood, which had that big wildfire.