Must be a mod. Bethesda is too scared to put driveable vehicles in their game because they know the engine is janky.
Must be a mod. Bethesda is too scared to put driveable vehicles in their game because they know the engine is janky.
I miss the time when not every cookie was a tracking cookie and they actually functioned as intended instead.
and pass those “savings” on to the consumers.
More likely that they pocket those savings for extra profit and the prices stay the same.
At first I thought it was blown out of proportion, too. After watching the video, I can only say that if he did that in Germany, he would have been arrested on stage. Let’s see what topic-relatedly, profoundly knowledgeable Benito Mussolini, allegedly, had to say:
“Fascism should more properly be called corporatism because it is the merger of state and corporate power.”
Ah, ok, thanks Benito! Enjoy your fascism that you voted for, America. I hope those egg prices will go down (they won’t).
“Innovation” is just the buzzword for the practice of figuring out how to extract more money from the paupers while delivering less. They have to invent new ways of scamming you, so the profit goes up.
Your body retains water through the kidneys. Antidiuretic hormone (or vasopressin) is what tells your kidneys to hold onto water instead of discarding it into the bladder. Which is why you feel parched after a night out drinking, ethanol hinders the production of ADH. Multiply that by 25 and you have the poor dude.
A guy I studied with had a gene defect that prevented his body from producing proper amounts of antidiuretic hormone. He had to literally set his alarm at night to wake up to hydrate.
“Not for consumption?” Don’t you tell me what to do, I’ll eat what I want!
This is how Son Goku got his ass-pull zenkai boost on Namek.
It was the first article I openend and it was a nothing burger, so I guess. And based on your response I’m not gonna dissect the other links because you just want to be right about your personal choice anyway.
Curiously clicked on the very last link at random and this is an excerpt of what I am reading:
In 1994, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) reported results of a systematic survey of the health of 300 vegetarian dogs sourced from 33 states within the U.S. and Canada via PETA’s newsletter [54,55]. Dogs ranged in age from young puppies to 19 years old, and included a wide range of breeds, males and females, both neutered and entire. Of these, 65.3% (196/300) were vegan, with the remaining 34.7% (104/300) simply vegetarian. They had been maintained on these diets for anywhere from less than two, to over nine years, with an average of 5.7 years. The precise diets used, and their level of nutritional adequacy, are unknown. Over 80% of dogs maintained on vegan or vegetarian diets for 50% to 100% of their lifetimes were reported as being in good to excellent health (Figure 1).
Bolded the absolutely laughable parts. The other “studies” mentioned in that article are about the same: Voluntary participation in a non-compensated study (leads to self-selection bias), owners simply reporting everything is fine (how do they know? perceived fur shininess is baloney), blood tests inconclusive.
The best you can pull from that article is that switching to a vegetarian diet for your cat/dog is likely not immediately endangering them. So it’s more “do so at your own risk” instead of “it’s recommended” and I don’t see how that is in the best interest of your pet, I’m sorry.
Yeah, on all platforms I’ve been to I’ve seen nothing but bitter jokes and snarky comments about the situation. Imagine being such a massive shitbag that nobody gives a damn when you are literally murdered in public and in broad daylight.
If your legacy is feeding off people’s misfortune and suffering then I’d say this outcome is part of the risk you took. What goes around, comes around. I don’t expect the leeches to learn from that tho.
Middle pic top row is the most reasonable choice.
We’re not trying to be efficient, we are trying to be innovative!
They are smart because they know how to spy on you without telling you.
That could work if you amped the waves up and trapped them in a confined, isolated space, no?
“Hillbilly” anstatt Bauernjunge oder dem guten, zangendeutschen Hügelfritzchen zu verwenden ruiniert dieses Michmich leider.
still have a mosquito in my bedroom. little asshole hides when i turn on the light to smack it and it senses when i’m about to just fall asleep and that’s when it attacks.
fuck, i hate mosquitoes.
Just reformat the coke to NTFS beforehand.
In some cases this is called stalking and is illegal.