I was bored at work so chatted with Microsoft support about this.
Summary of funny part
Me: no, it’s an advertisement, asking me to try a Microsoft product. The ad came through my message tray. I have all ad services turned off.
Them: that’s not an ad, that’s recommendation for a better service
Me: are you aware that you just described an advertisement?
Them: yes.
They’re so annoying! I can’t stand that company!
i wish i didnt dislike linux or mac so much also im a gamer so windows is a necessity (but u can game on linux? i play valorant exclusively at this point which isnt linux support afaik)
and no there isn’t a linux distro i might like and if there is i can find it myself linux people are so damn annoying.
Gaming on Linux works quite well. I haven’t found a game that didn’t work, but I haven’t played them all, so I’m sure at least one exists. Also, there absolutely is a Linux distro you would like, but it’s irrelevant if you’re happy on windows. We have a choice of OS, which is a beautiful thing. Lastly, Linux people aren’t “so damn annoying” in the least bit. Stubborn people are, but Linux folks don’t tend to be overly stubborn, I’ve noticed.
E: also, my meme had nothing to do with Linux at all. It’s about being annoyed with ads within windows.
Hmm they’ve been really patient and helpful with me so far
They probably have to recite a standard company line, gritting their teeth as you both know it’s bullshit.
I don’t envy customer service reps. Most of them probably didn’t apply for the job because they love Microsoft or enjoy the prospect of fielding frustrated customers’ calls.
Lmao is that a Lemmy watermark? 💀
Stamp, not a watermark, but yes. There was a post a while back, asking Lemmy OC to have that or something similar. I figured, why not.
Watermarking memes is petty and cringe
Depends on the reason, I suppose. Or the mark. I feel it’s more like attribution, where I attribute this meme as a gift to Lemmy, as opposed to a gift to wherever it finds itself next. No matter where this meme goes, it’s attributed home will always be clear as Lemmy.
Uh oh. I pirated a meme.
Nuh uh. It’s not my meme. It’s our meme hahaha
Can’t pirate that which is already ours
Honestly, I agree… This feels very corporate. Like, this isn’t Tiktok… No, thanks.
I’ve been on Linux for a while but this shit is starting to make my wife ask about switching over. Which is something I never thought I’d see.
I never thought good could come out of Microsoft’s messed up ways, but here we are! Haha
I think that + her playing baldurs gate on my computer will be what drive mine to it. Though her breaking it by updating my graphics card in order to make it run the first time definitely didn’t help.
Just get her something like Mint which allows you to easily switch graphics drivers. Definitely the distro I tend to recommend to nvidia users. Arch or anything arch based works as well, but that requires some experience at least. Though Garuda is pretty damn simple, I’m tempted to call it noob-friendly. It’s what I use right now.
Funny enough it was Garuda she broke and it was on Nvidia drivers. She’s absolutely been scared away from arch because of my failures to get things running for a day. I’d probably offer her a flash drive with kubuntu, mint, and pop and see what she likes.
Funny enough she absolutely could be better at all this than I am. She’s the one who actually understands computers and has a CS degree. I’m just some dumb engineer who got pissed at windows too many times and was already super pro FOSS
Man, I love Linux, but it’s not a replacement for windows. Like, crucify me if you must, fellow Lemmings, but the world still runs on Windows when it comes to many important everyday things.
For me, it’s game servers and the games themselves. I can’t run half the stuff I want to run on Linux. It sucks, but this is the reality we live in.
Actually its their🇺🇸. Not your, not our. Its their own and you arr kinda like renting it
Who is “their”?
The bunny is Microsoft and he’s saying ‘our’
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I understand now. I did read the EULA. Years ago, it was the EULA that caused me to Nope out of windows.
Your description of Microsoft is, quite possibly, the best description on how they operate that I’ve ever read.
I mean bunny should be saying “Mine”
Ah, yes. There should be a toddler meme like this! Hahaha
“Our new video editor” in the OP is using the exclusive meaning of “our,” meaning it belongs to the speaker and some other people but not the person being spoken to, meaning that the person being spoken to would not also call it “our editor” but instead “your editor”. In the third person, it is “theirs,” not “ours,” because it is not held in common among the people.
So Bunny MS saying ‘our’ would made sense in this context haha
Yeah, I’m confused. Why is there an American flag?
The American flag is the opposite to the Soviet Union s flag.
It’s been downhill since Windows 7. I think this will be my last Windows PC.
I just don’t feel safe with Windows that next time I boot up there won’t be some fresh horror I didn’t ask for and have to go research how to put back in the bottle.
It’s like having your computer pre-rooted with malware.
Jumping between Mac and Windows I keep accidentally awakening Cortana when I try to copy and paste. Now that god awful, universally reviled feature if finally getting deprecated but it still brings up the damn window/modal/pice-of-shit just to tell me that it’s gone. If you want to be gone, then go! Don’t make a fuss telling me about it. Just go. No one wanted you in the 1st place. Fuck.
This comment has really a really good vibe to it. Like, if comments were essential oils, and if I was a sucker, I’d bottle this comment.
That’s exactly what it is. Defender is removing PUPs (potentially unwanted programs), but only those unwanted by Microsoft, while Windows is installing unwanted programs left and right. Windows is legitimately acting like malware. Not even a joke.
Come join the fight against evil, join those who wish to give you control over the shit you own, go ahead and load https://www.fedoraproject.org/ onto a USB and try it out. Most software either has excellent alternatives, or works fine under Wine!
My daily driver.
mine too, although I use Arch on my PC, i use fedora on my laptop (asahi linux ftw!)
Works on apple silicone! Friggin A!
I mean I liked 7. Last good one imo
Remember Vista?
I’m curious as to how much something like shutup10 helps with that. I was always tempted, but never tried it. I barely touched windows these past few years anyways.
Microsoft: advertises to increase profits like a good capitalist
People: “Is this communism?”
Advertising on a product I own is not conducive with me owning the product, but with me renting it. It’s not communism, but it is me not owning something I thought I own.
Renting and subscription services are very much capitalism.
There’s a reason commies hate landlords.
Commies aren’t the only ones who hate landlords…
Yeah sure but that doesn’t make you renting things communism.
Never said it was. Communism is a funny thing. I’ve seen it work, and I’ve seen it fail, like all other systems, but it’s hated. Capitalism is among the most protected system, by those within it. It’s strange. I’m not advocating for either, by the way.
Assuming you’re not talking about anarchists: Liberals are incapable of averting the effects of capitalism because they support capitalism. Their ambition is limited to setting rules that ask ticks to only drink a “reasonable” amount of blood.
The ccp certainly did.
Just a heads up, CCP has some racist connotations to it. The party’s official abbreviation is CPC. I literally only learned this a few months ago, so just letting you know.
I didn’t know that. I used ccp, because it was in the wiki article you linked. That’s good to know!
The Land Reform Movement, also known by the Chinese abbreviation Tǔgǎi (土改), was a mass movement led by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) leader Mao Zedong during the late phase of the Chinese Civil War after the Second Sino-Japanese War ended in 1945 and in the early People’s Republic of China,[1] which achieved land redistribution to the peasantry.
Commies are the only ones who ever successfully did anything about them
The cpc did, but not communism as a whole. Within communism, you still have landlords in a way, but instead of paying them, you pay the community with equal shares of whatever your crop is.
That is not what communism is lmao
There are different ideologies of communism, and this is one of them.
Haha our, get the funny?
Yes, being comoditized by a corporation. True socialism comrade. Truly we’ve seized the means of production.
The means of production have seized us!
In Soviet Russia means of production seize you
- slow clap *
Install Linux, problem resolved.
Linux Mint is massively less frustrating to use than Windows 10 or 11
Fedora here, been running Baldur’s Gate 3 no problem using proton. Even with a 2600.
No reason to go back to windows knowing I can run pretty much anything through steam.
I’m gonna have to go for Linux once my current laptop dies. Now way I’m putting up with Windows 11.
Awesome 👍🏻
Install both! That way you can play all the games you want, if you’re a nerd like me, but you can move the other everyday stuff to Linux!
More games are coming to Linux, it’ll be a while for this process to complete.
Nowadays, Its actually harder to find a game that flat out won’t work. Thanks to Proton, the only games that you can’t play on linux are ones that the developer has specifically forbidden from working on linux via whatever AC they use.
That’s what I did well over 20 years ago. Never looked back.
I don’t have personal experience with games on Linux but from what I’m hearing, most games should now work the same on Linux as on windows
Unless it’s unity era Ubuntu
Install kubuntu, KDE rocks and is very easy to understand for windows refugees
Oh agreed. 20+year Linux user here, and I don’t think (or remember) I’ve used anything else but KDE.
Friends don’t let friends drive windows.
I let friends make their own choice. I sport a lovely Fedora and allow them to make their own decisions… Hahaha
Do… Do you use the fedora to greet ladies? I hope so. They love that.
Yeah, but I like to play PC games.
You can play pc games on linux
Yeah, not all of them though. Doom eternal, at the time, kept having a frustrating crash for me so I lived in windows like I completed it. Didn’t even attempt with elden ring. Cyberpunk 2077 didn’t work either.
But yes, in general I will game on Linux when it works. It is my preferred kernel.
Elden Ring works great on Linux though. Even better than on Windows for some People
Doom Eternal just dropped Denuvo. And don’t they use Vulkan and OpenGL anyways? They did for Doom at least and that ran extremely well. Cyberpunk 2077 was terrible at launch on any OS and Elden Ring still suffers from bad performance to this day. Let’s also not forget that Steams Shader Precaching did help a lot with Elden Ring’s issue right after launch as well!
Linux gaming is in a tremendous state if you ask me and it’s only going to get better. Linux users are increasing in number and with that comes better support.Ditto to all of this. Exactly right. Love to see it
Ya don’t get me wrong, it’s so much better than 15 years ago. Until doom eternal I was already exclusively gaming on Linux. Then I just assume elden ring and cyberpunk wouldn’t work well so I didn’t even bother trying. And ya, for the hardware I have and the 60fps cap I’m surprised at how bad elden ring sometimes performs in windows…
Elden Ring works great on Linux though. Even better than on Windows for some People
Even Starfield?
Starfield works on linux since day one… If you have an AMD graphic card. I’ve seen that it’s more complicated on Nvidia.
I can only not play 1 or 2 games on Linux. Everything else literally runs native through steam. Use pop_OS it does all the work for you.
Can’t play tarkov, tarkov runs perfect on Linux, but its anticheat does not. The devs of the anti cheat tarkov uses said they are planning Linux support but that was 2 years ago.
Some other odder ones too. Let me know of questions.
Oh this link should be your bible. It will directly tell you what runs, and how well it runs
I can only not play 1 or 2 games on Linux. Everything else literally runs native through steam. Use pop_OS it does all the work for you.
Can’t play tarkov, tarkov runs perfect on Linux, but its anticheat does not. The devs of the anti cheat tarkov uses said they are planning Linux support but that was 2 years ago.
Some other odder ones too. Let me know of questions.
Oh this link should be your bible. It will directly tell you what runs, and how well it runs
The first thing you would do after browsing lemmy would be installing linux because there are many foss enthusiasist and linux users playing around here in lemmy making you switch to linux
… Yeah… I never would have considered Linux, then after being here a few months I installed Pop!_os and I will never go back to windows…
*cries in my programs won’t launch in wine*
Which programs?
Paint Tool SAI. After messing up a few times (I thought the C drive was my actual windows HD not wine’s virtual one), I got it installed on wine, but it won’t launch. Other people have got it to work, so maybe it’s just me being a dumb noob.
I should probably try again with a program that’s less easy to mess up.
Like the other person commented, I would suggest trying Krita (open source/native painting or graphics program. That isn’t my forte, but my understanding is Krita is a professional grade program that is actually used for professional work.
Edit: I ironically found this: https://docs.krita.org/fr/user_manual/introduction_from_other_software/introduction_from_sai.html
With that said, there is a useful program to help setup Wine called “Bottles”. It’s all graphical, and gives tons of options to tweak to try to get programs running. It has dramatically helped me get done other odd professional type software running.
One long shot thing to try: check the file properties of the program installed on wine, and make sure “executable” is enabled. It’s a handy security thing to prevent random files from hiding malware, but can be a pain to new users.
An extreme solution is running a program in a Windows virtual machine. If you go that route, I highly recommend doing some research. The simplest to me solution I’ve found is Virtualbox, and I believe you can even directly pass USB devices through to the virtual machine, but since of the other solutions are supposed to work better.
Two things:
- Could be Wayland. I had wine troubles in the past because if that
- Have you tried Krita?
I’m too noob to know what either of those things are. I looked them up and I’m still scratching my head lol
Yesterday was only my second time logging onto the Linux box, so I have a lot to learn.
I tried on both wine and playonlinux, but had the same issue both times. So I’ll try a simple text editor or something and see if that works.
I really don’t wanna have to go back to Windows.
Kitra is a different drawing program native to linux. Linux also has native text editors, is there a reason you need these specific windows programs or would an alternative work, like gedit instead of windows notepad?
The text editor I’ll try just to see if I’m doing the installation properly, nothing else.
I paid for SAI and I’ve used it for about 15 years. I really love it. My artwork is all saved in SAI format. Worst case, I’ll have to install it on the windows hard drive.
Wayland = the GUI protocol. I’ll try to build up the short version: Linux is modular, you don’t have to have a GUI at all to run Linux. Most GUI systems themselves are modular, but a core component of the Linux GUI for a very long time has been a thing called X11. X11 is old and busted. Wayland is the new hotness. Some distros are using Wayland now. It offers some cool features that X11 either struggles with or can’t do at all, but on the other hand there’s lots of software that still doesn’t work well with Wayland yet. I’ve been a Linux user for 10 years and the transition has been in the works the entire time.
Krita = a raster image editor/art app from KDE, the impression I get is that it’s really made for digital drawing and painting, with some photo editing capabilities. GIMP (The GNU Image Manipulation Program) is more for “photoshopping.” For vector art I would go with Inkscape.
Krita looks impressive. I might give it a try. Thanks!
So you’re brand new to Linux and you’re already hacking away at something you don’t understand well. Good for you! That’s how you learn 😊.
That being said, getting (as you’re learning) and keeping software running in wine can be frustrating. I’d suggest using an open source alternative if possible. Hopefully the one others recommended is a good fit for you. And a bonus, one less piece of proprietary software you rely on, which imo is always a good feeling.
Good luck, and welcome to Linux!
Thanks, man. Well it’s on its own hd and I don’t have anything important on it, so why not mess around. I’ve been wanting a Linux box since 2000 haha finally got my dream.
Do you reckon it’s worth trying to install any of these? XD
I got notepad++ to install via play on Linux, so I think it’s just this particular program that’s not cooperating.
This is the exact same issue I’m having. In the end I just installed all my art stuff on Windows :(
What version?
This may well be the right answer!
Only linux is “ours”
I serve the soviet gnunion
Omg that is so good in the nerdiest way possible
I serve St. IGNUcious, in the church of emacs
If there’s one thing communists love it’s advertising. In fact Don Draper is a socialist icon alongside Stalin and Coco Chanel.
They also love big corporations, like Microsoft
That’s in fact why I’m a linux user now
Been a Linux user for more than a decade, but work doesn’t do Linux :( I even brought my laptop in to show them that everything works fine (AD and all), but they didn’t go for it.
Their spyware probably doesn’t work on Linux.
They use datto I think as their remote monitoring, and it works on Win, Mac, and Linux. Good guess, though!
Like the type software that sends a report if you don’t use the mouse or the keyboard for 30 seconds? Remember to setup something like autohotkey for when you want to take a gaming break 😅
I just started using Linux at work without telling anyone. On month 2 now and no one has noticed yet. They keep asking how I do all the fancy kde effects on my lappy and to do it to their windows machine. I just say “Sorry it’s a hacked Mac” with an Acer logo on the back lol.
Reminds me of this classic:
You can rice kde like windows 10/11 or anything even like macos there are github pages and youtube videos available. Did you riced it like macos are you talking about that?
No, it’s nothing like anything, I have 3 bars and just the accent color feature from kde. A clean desktop. But none of them own a Mac or have any technological knowledge, so they just believe it.
So why do you tell them it’s a Mac rather than just telling them the truth? Do you think its somehow shameful to use Linux or something?
Well for one, they don’t know about it, and if they don’t know about it, to them it’s probably some experimental piece of tech. And there’s nothing good that’ll come out of explaining it to them, it’s a bother really.
Consider ricing it its really fun and post it here !unixporn@lemmy.ml
Yeah I can’t imagine my work letting me use linux and that’s with a Linux user for an it guy.
Yeah :(
My friend uses RHEL at work daily. It’s what they use. Lucky duck.
In this job we got to choose whichever computer we want to put the budget on and could just install whatever OS gets the job done. It’s been like this for the past 10 years, but I typically work in tech companies with around 10-100 people.
Went with NixOS as always.
How is Nix? I’ve wanted to try, but it seems limited and computers are expensive. Now that you’ve told me you use it for work for so long, I’m seeing it in another light.
It’s great if you’re a programmer. Even better if your whole team uses it, so you can trivially standardize the build env of the project. NixOS manages the whole OS with nix, but you don’t need it to be a part of the gang.
I’ve been using NixOS everywhere for years, and written long comments on Lemmy about it, so check my history if you want to read reasons why nix :)
Nice! Thanks, I will!!
I just got told today to begin Windows 11 build testing at work. No one in the meeting seemed enthusiastic about it even going so far as to make fun of it’s many…issues. Once I’m done getting off Google services, my next move is too divorce Windows like Melinda divorced Bill!
I just wish I wasn’t so good at fucking up Linux on every machine I’ve tried it on.
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Same here. Bought a laptop a few years ago, and immediately installed manjaro. I wasn’t even going to futz around with dual booting. I decided I was done with windows and their bullshit. Haven’t looked back.
I think you’ll find it is no longer “My Computer” but now “This PC”
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Haha! Good one! I’m going to use that!