Graaien could be clutch, claw, scrabble, grasp, or snatch, maybe?
Graaien could be clutch, claw, scrabble, grasp, or snatch, maybe?
“clearly wasn’t”
I see now, you just phrase things abruptly in a way that SEEMS rude but clearly isn’t. My mistake. Have a nice day.
Fair enough.
Not sure why you phrased that as correcting them when you were agreeing and adding to it.
Lego, Gatorade, the eagle guy from sesame Street (bird), and a koopa, or Turtle for T
Oh sorry for not being serious enough in the memes community. I’ll be sure to bring my dissertation next time about how your mom sucked me good and hard through my jorts.
I also said we had cheese made of fire ant milk. Google hyperbole, then get back to me.
Of course I went to school, I’m an American, where do you think I learned to bar the door from gunmen?
I hadn’t heard of that kind but it’s pretty! A quick search says I could get it at Walmart. I personally prefer not to shop there but that means it’s probably available somewhere else. I’ll be sure to try it some time, thank you for the tip
No, but you guys seems to think we only are aware of craft singles and can cheese. That’s our lowest level of cheese. I was trying to explain that despite your opinions, we actually do have food here.
Edit: Saying “we actually have that too” doesn’t mean in any way “Europe has no grocery stores”. I thought you guys had the good schools?
You guys always miss the point, we have your cheese, and our cheese, and synth cheese, and any other cheese you want. Imported European cheese? Yep. Craft cheeses from Wisconsin? Any kind you can think of. Cow, goat, buffalo, sheep, cashew, chicken, fire-ant, whatever. I can go to Costco and get a 72lb wheel of Parmigiano reggiano, aged 2 years, shipped to my door within a few days. I can go to town and visit a number of delis and get a pound of anything sliced fresh. I can go to the grocery chain store and get a presliced pound or go to their full in store deli for more options. If I’m having a burger I might go for the classic American cheese slices. We also have a cheese flavored product in a can that is good when you are tired of living. You have only high quality cheese because there isn’t room on your tiny European shelf for the sheer variety of bullshit we also have.
Ha! My dad called my mom his little cooter (Pseudemys genus) once while they were visiting a turtle pond. It wasn’t endearing how he’d hoped, and was a long ride home.
I’m sold, cooter it is.
No see to really humanize people just read their DNA sequence off like a barcode.
I’m fine with the word and thrilled with the thing itself, but a lot of people consider “pussy” a cuss or swear in the same manner that “dick” is. Is there a less provocative word you think covers all the bases?
What is RAA0G? I googled but got gibberish.
Underground marionettes?
I don’t know about smiting, but Atheismo also will help at least one person in the future, a Professor Hubert J. Farnsworth, find an anti-backwards crystal. Or at least, Atheismo is credited with the discovery. They probably smote some other beings
Fine. Shows vampire the sacred icon of The Great and Powerful Atheismo
So you said a lot things I’m not going to address, but what strikes me as unfortunate is that you assume anyone who is not autistic but expresses concern on their behalf would normally mock you. That seems like a pretty far reach and a pretty lonely way to view the people who only seem to be expressing empathy for you, even if it is misguided. You must be pretty jaded to come to that conclusion so quickly.
I’m glad you and your friends aren’t offended. Good for you guys.
There it is