Security for who exactly?
If I don’t even want an account, it’s the “security” of the sites ad targeting data that IDGAF.
Security for who exactly?
If I don’t even want an account, it’s the “security” of the sites ad targeting data that IDGAF.
It’s shitty user experience when forced to dig out my phone to authenticate myself to a site I barely give half a shit about.
Like I wouldn’t even have an account if it wasn’t forced, and now you assholes want my phone too?
Costco still sells cans that haven’t been hit by the shrinkflation ray.
People who are proud of their gear post it.
You seldom hear from the folks running a half dozen VMs on a laptop.
Average user rating is 6/10 so it’s not terrible, but perhaps terribly marketed.
It’s not a bad strategy if used sparingly. Derogatory notes fall off your credit report after 7 years.
I strategically defaulted a CC in early adulthood and by the time I needed a mortgage was back in the 800s.
You need to reseason. Canola oil is fine.
That was after a visit from Madame Guinan.
So basically people eat porridge when they don’t have access to a mill and oven.
In gluten we trust.
Your answer is basically “MS isn’t so bad, just don’t use MS”
Now do Windows 11.
Windows/Mac fanboy wars went out of style 20 years ago.
Luns: I fokk (breed) horses
Kennedy: Pardon?
Luns: Yes, paarden (horses)
Cool find, but it can’t live in the middle of the keyboard, and I worry about the driver quality since it’s not from Synaptics like the original.
Only reason I’d still buy Lenovo just went out the window.
Western stooge of Russia demands Ukraine surrender the lands taken by invasion.
I think the hand wringing about seasoning died down when the manufacturers switched to selling pre-seasoned pans.