That’s wonderful to hear! One of my all time favorites for sure.
That’s wonderful to hear! One of my all time favorites for sure.
“ In the stump of the old tree, where the heart has rotted out, there is a hole the length of a man’s arm, and a dank pool at the bottom of it where the rain gathers, and the old leaves turn into lacy skeletons. But do not put your hand down to see, because…”
I use a Windows PC for work with Chrome because we are on G suite and it’s just easier that way. I am constantly annoyed by how terrible the spellcheck is within chrome. It did not used to be this bad. It highlights “thier” as misspelled but only suggests thief theirs and shier. Yeah… ok google. Expect me to believe that when AI is in every thing. I can run a LLM on same the laptop OFFLINE. Word 93 knew to autocorrect to their with no internet and no ai. Of course you get frustrated, go to settings and see this stupid little toggle. Fucking Google already… it will only get worse. They’re already key-logging you they just want to pay out less on a future class action settlement. Like the one they just settled for tracking user data during incognito sessions. God damned Google. Oh sorry, I mean aLpHaBeT. You guys like letters now do ya Google? Well here are my faves. F and U !
Myyyy tail shake brings scaly bois to the yard and they top, for several seconds more.
Aww, thanks!
Now I want to see a whole series devoted to the life and times of two legged cat.
Inebriated Pale Anglos
The mvp is in the comments of the comments
In Soviet Russia means of production seize you
I recognize the colors and shape of wal-mart signage. Our most shameful store. The labels are shopped but you can for sure get all that stuff there.
Same shit different day
I could barely read this joke. It was too much on the nose.
As nsfw posts go, this deserves 0/5 stars.
Ironically, Cinderella’s slipper was one size fits all
“Go then, there are other worlds than these.”
I signed up for the trial, and I keep forgetting to cancel.
Username checks out
Hello, blood mouth here checking in.