This is not the way
Add a fourth TIE fighter in there called “your life”
I think climate change is gonna do everyone in sooner.
Well, pass the heroin then.
Men will do anything including hard drugs instead of going to the therapy and/or trying perscribed meds.
Hey, that’s a gender neutral activity!
Source: my mom 😔
Funny, most of the women I’ve known in the last decade with pre existing diagnosed mental disorders refuse to go to therapy and self medicate with booze or weed, and pressure me into doing the same.
Hey, maybe you should try thera… Are you saying I’m nuts , that I’m psycho or some shit?! Fuck you!
Anyway, yep, therapy is great if you can afford it.
If you’re buying heroin you can afford therapy.
Affording therapy doesn’t mean access to competent therapy. There are plenty of therapists who got into it because depressed, anxious people are everywhere and it’s super easy to charge upper middle class people $150/session to give them the most basic mental health care advice in existence.
And for some people that’s all they need, and that’s fine. But if you have an eating disorder, or you’re LGBT, or you’re a minority, or you have PTSD or trauma you need to work through, or basically any “complex” mental health care need, it is HARD if not impossible to find a competent therapist that is in network, near you, and affordable. And there’s no way to know if the therapist you’re thinking of seeing is competent in those things at all until you go there, open yourself up, and suddenly maybe they say something extremely shitty that sours the whole experience and you have to start over again.
If I hadn’t been able to go to my local LGBT center to get therapy, I don’t know what would have happened with me. And it still wasn’t cheap! You can’t just go to therapy a couple of times and be done with it, I was prescribed 16 sessions (which is like, the basic default amount and they will extend it further if you need it), and if your copay is even $10 or $20 that is a lot of money to drop on something you’re not positive is even going to help you.
Which like, isn’t to say that heroin is a good alternative. It’s just that when someone has a $20 in their pocket and they can either spend it on a single therapy session that may or may not be beneficial to them (or can even be retraumatizing) or they can spend it on a bag of heroin that will for sure get them high and make them feel better right now, it’s not hard to see why some people are going to choose the latter.
I’m not really sure what you’re arguing here… Heroin (from my googling) is like 15-20 bucks for a tenth of a gram. And also from googling it looks like it can cost users $150-$200 a day.
I go to therapy. I’ve gone to a bunch of different therapists. I go twice a month and it’s $150 a session. You don’t need therapists to “be in network” for you to go to them. And $300 a month is way cheaper than $4500 a month, no matter what way you split it.
Which like, isn’t to say that heroin is a good alternative. It’s just that when someone has a $20 in their pocket and they can either spend it on a single therapy session that may or may not be beneficial to them (or can even be retraumatizing) or they can spend it on a bag of heroin that will for sure get them high and make them feel better right now, it’s not hard to see why some people are going to choose the latter.
In regards to this, I’m pretty sure that the second you think of taking heroin you’re screwed. It commonly results in addiction after only a single try. My point is that don’t ever think of heroin as the solution, because the cost of therapy is not the problem.
I thought I was pretty clear about what I was saying: “just go to therapy” ignores all the reasons people don’t “just” go to therapy. Nobody is a heroin addict because it’s fun, and lack of access to appropriate mental healthcare is a huge factor in that.
You don’t need therapists to “be in network” for you to go to them.
If therapy had cost me $150/session instead of $5/session I wouldn’t have gotten it, and those price points are set by my insurance company according to if they’re in network or not. If $150/session is nothing to you then I’m glad for you, but that price point is a huge factor for the majority of people.
Like, in some places in the US there are people who will do minor surgeries on themselves because it costs too much to see a doctor; the depths of poverty and lack of medical access in some areas (especially rural ones) is way beyond what you imagine if you haven’t seen it. And it’s probably not a coincidence that there is a huge epidemic of opioid addiction in rural areas.
If you’re at the point where you’re saying “oh but heroin costs so much more than therapy”, you are not in the kind of mindset of someone who is at the point of taking heroin to cope. They are not making good long term decisions because their mental health is in the gutter.
Again, I’m not saying heroin is a good decision. I’m saying if we want to deal with addiction as a society we have to understand both what causes people to become addicted in the first place as well as what keeps them from getting help. If telling people “go to therapy” is all it took there wouldn’t be a problem.
Lol homie people do heroin because they can’t afford oxys and percs anymore. It’s only expensive if you are afraid to main vein and rely on snorting it.
I will admit I don’t really know anything about heroin, but therapy doesn’t cost anywhere near $150-$200 a day so I have a very hard time believing that therapy is somehow more expensive than a drug habit that is so addictive you literally do it once and you’re fucked.
I heard deleting comments can still be seen in the community so ima just edit the comment in hopes of removing it. After i thought about it it’s prolly not best to give more reason to anyone looking to do hard drugs lol
Man, if I had enemies I’d get them addicted to hard drugs. They’d stop chasing me, and just chase that high
Incidentally, that’s the supposed plot line about fentanyl coming from china
I mean if China were actually doing this, they’d only be taking from the same playbook the British used against them with opium ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Your missing the last picture where I’m giving out handies for 10 a pop and looking ragged as fuck…
Only $10?
Heroin is a cure for depression like a nuke is a cure for a famime.
The only dragon I wanna ride is Falcor from Neverending Story.
In what sense “ride”?
Like as transportation.
The number of dragons I’d ride in the other sense is pretty much any except Bayle the Dread because he’s an asshole. He probably lost his dick to Placidusax anyway (and why he’s so mad).
Embracing 😳
Is the heroin/heroine pun intentional? Cus god damn, it made me spit out xD
Sounds good. Where can I find this heroin You speak of?
Heroin should fix anxiety and stress. Depression, I doubt. A lot like booze that way really. Unfortunately heroin will also make you constipated.
This also works with anything you love to do too
Not a good message to spread, becuase it’s fucking true