Limp-wrist? So gay right? That’s where that term comes from, isnt it? So explain to me how, where someone likes to stick their dick has to do with their opinion of firearms?
Limp-wrist? So gay right? That’s where that term comes from, isnt it? So explain to me how, where someone likes to stick their dick has to do with their opinion of firearms?
The most rage inducing part of this whole thing is the fucking font color the creator used. To them I say “Go to fucking hell you inbred fuck.”
Lol homie people do heroin because they can’t afford oxys and percs anymore. It’s only expensive if you are afraid to main vein and rely on snorting it.
There is no such thing as too cold. There is only under dressed. At least that’s what the old fucks say. I like me a toasty summer but that doesn’t make it any less true thst its easier to get warm when your cold than it is to get cool when your too hot.
Yeah id ageee in theory but I feel like I should start in a batting cage or swinging lefty golfing. I am not in the slightest bit ambidextrous lol
Never occurred to me that I’ve never shot any firearm left handed. Wouldn’t start with a pistol but I kinda wanna try it now with a rifle lol.
If I shoot anything like I throw left handed tho my curiosity will prolly kill the neighbors cat. Unless it is more than 3ft away, then it’s completely safe lol.
I heard deleting comments can still be seen in the community so ima just edit the comment in hopes of removing it. After i thought about it it’s prolly not best to give more reason to anyone looking to do hard drugs lol