With proper infrastructure yes signatures are extremely secure. But that proper infrastructure doesn’t exist.
See picture.
With proper infrastructure yes signatures are extremely secure. But that proper infrastructure doesn’t exist.
How easy is it to fake a signature for a normal person who has not practiced a person’s signature for the intent purpose of faking it? Have you ever tried faking your parents signature to get out of school? I have.
Now the infrastructure required to adequately check signatures is not practical hence it doesn’t exist. It’s why we moved to pins. Pins are small and 2fa doesn’t exist for banks because again it’s about the bare minimum and they are out to make money and don’t care about customers plus there’s government safeguards in place specific to banking.
I will continue to argue that going back in time signatures are infinitely more secure than a 4 digit pin let alone tap but we have traded security for convenience.
Anyways full admit that I’m batshit crazy.
I’ll use banks as an example
If they cared about your security there would not be a mobile app or website.
Hell, credit cards would still require a signature.
It’s about cost first and foremost and then convenience.
Has nothing about you as a consumer. They don’t give 2 shits about you as a consumer.
I revel in being the 60 year old asshole. 13 more years!
Shhh that’s not important now. My goal is to outlive all of you, that’s my solace.
See what I enjoy about this comment is all things considered there’s a high likelihood you will live past the age of 60 at which point I hope younger people then call you a piece of shit on the daily simply because of your age. LOL
What the fuck is 🥺 ? Use your words I don’t speak bottom.
Lol I love how it jumps from my having an opposing view to me being an asshole because of it.
Drastically different than observing you and your family over the course of multiple hours. The example you gave is valid and I love shit like that.
I’ve spent many a week and weekend at camp sites. Normal people are not standing around gawking at people’s parking skills nor are they actively listening in to other campers conversations.
Maybe it’s generational I don’t know. I’m a 47 year old dude I don’t need strangers validation to know I’m a good dad and frankly that level of assumed eavesdropping and then feeling a need to announce that regardless of it being a positive message is just, fucking weird and off-putting.
As a jaded adult TF can, TF1 was the movie I didn’t know I needed, and in perfect poetic irony Hasbro has pulled the plug
The best TF movie since the original G1 movie and all done lol
If there was a way to make a Lemmy gold that is basically a donate for the instance the user is on that would be pretty cool.
So if someone gets a “gold” it means that the person who gave it donated to the instance that person is on, or the instance the giver was on
You hear that coughing you’re making son? THAT’S BECAUSE YOU’RE A FUCKING PUSSY.
The VP debate tonight had commercial breaks. Just a friendly reminder for everyone that regardless of the party, it is the almighty dollar that is in charge.
Found the eastern European! /s
I need the rest for science