No, it’s just one angel who is male. He has so many wings. Please stop making him have more wings 😩
No, it’s just one angel who is male. He has so many wings. Please stop making him have more wings 😩
If you want to use it I give you my blessing 🤝
Either that or they’re literally too daft to understand why trans people would rather see a hundred people with wEiRd PrOnOuNs who may or may not be trolling than see a single person appointing themselves the pronoun police.
Like, it’s not showing me anything I didn’t already know, it’s just ugly to see. Not to get on the soapbox too much, but I think medicalization* of transness and the portrayal of the noble suffering trans person as an archetype kind of inevitably leads to this Very Serious interpretation of gender identity that is just as oppressive as Evangelical takes on gender. Sorry if anyone got the wrong impression, but “MTF + FTM + nonbinary are All The Genders” wasn’t actually what anyone involved in trans liberation was ever fighting for. If this makes (general) you mad, go make that your problem instead of mine.
And I say that as someone that needed surgery and HRT! It will probably actually kill me if HRT gets banned in the US, I’m not saying this as someone with no skin in it. They’re not taking anything from me by existing, and if seeing them makes you go “holy shit we’ve gotta shut this whole trans thing down” then you were always my enemy.
That is, treating transness as a medical condition and nothing more, not that any medical treatment for trans people is bad.
People mad about it inherently do not understand the point of federation if they want all instances to basically be .world, except with different mods.
I didn’t even know Junji Ito did a Frankenstein adaptation, so I am one of those wondering. Thanks for the info!
What was your formative dinosaur media as a young kid?
This 1980 claymation/cartoon/live action short called Dinosaur was absolutely hypnotic to me as a kid. The scenes with all the hooting and howling in the jungle were so intense for my little 4 year old mind!
Oops, I thought this was a photoshopped image with a filter on it, but it looks like it’s AI. Sorry mods! I’m really easily fooled by VHS-looking effects laid over AI images.
Stop following me around, my therapist!! 😂 I can’t count the number of times I’ve heard almost exactly that in therapy, haha.
But for real you’re 100% right, and it’s good to remember that.
That makes the one shitty English teacher I had stand out even more in my mind. She wasn’t quite Roald Dahl character level shithead, but she was close. I’m pretty sure her being ex-military had a lot to do with it.
The ketamine bit isn’t speculation at all, he’s publicly admitted to it and says he has a prescription. At his income bracket that basically means he wanted it, so he got it.
I agree that it’s probably not (only) ketamine giving him bloodshot eyes all the time, who knows what that is though.
It’s TRANSubstantiation, not CISubstantiation!
A good discussion is here on the “8 billion usd for soda” figure.
TL;DR: it uses data from 2011 from one store, and the media got the number wrong after extrapolating it to all food stamps expenditure.
Neither do I, but beef subsidies aren’t going anywhere anytime soon.
This would only make sense if food stamps were the main driving factor in junk food sales (they’re not, everyone wants to eat garbage sometimes).
Sometimes an animal will become so convinced that traps are a good space (protection from predators and food), that they become what they call ‘trap happy’ and will go into any trap they see. Which is funny but annoying if you’re trying to do a survey or something and one asshole keeps showing up looking for snacks.
It looks like the author mostly writes kid’s books.
Someone doesn’t have to be doing things as bad as the transphobes to still be doing something that isn’t ideal, or something that makes other people uncomfortable in a way that has nothing to do with transphobia. It feels bad for anyone to get told they’re doing gender wrong, even if the person doing it is trying to be helpful.
It doesn’t mean anyone doing that is evil, it just means gender is a messy thing to talk about and understand. People can’t always see that what is very affirming and clarifying for them may be constraining for someone else.
Definitely, it’s almost always either someone that’s not quite ready to come out or trans people talking about their pre-transition selves. There is a small minority of people who are very insistent on calling other people eggs and seem to think they’re helping, but really are contributing to an environment with more rigid gender roles.
It’s unfortunate because a lot of the time I think what they’re really wanting to do is talk about their own experiences and how things clicked together for them, but are way overgeneralizing about it and projecting it onto other people.
I know from looking at it that it’s one of those kitchen gadgets meant for cracking an egg held in an egg cup to neatly remove the top, and that it’s the variety where you pull back the heavy metal ball and it springs back towards the egg to crack it. I don’t speak German, though, so I don’t know how much of that is contained in the name, haha.