I’m sure some would find it useful as a delivery method for ranch dressing.
I’m sure some would find it useful as a delivery method for ranch dressing.
The stained glass lamp shades. The red booths. Beer for dad.
The first salad bar I ever saw was at a dine-in Pizza Hut.
Jerry Seinfeld’s apartment seemed close to right although we never saw the bedroom.
“Goddamnit, it’s always fucking something…”
I’ll get it on my forehead so I can bang it against the wall.
For those who are looking, the Sony Xperia line has a number of phones with both an sd card slot and a headphone jack.
I keep bringing you home because you’re cheap but I’m never really satisfied.
I don’t particularly care for raisins but I might have to go get some to satisfy my curiosity.
Remakes that are better than the original:
The Thing
The Fly
The Blob
Invasion of the Body Snatchers
Cat People
Hmm. I’m noticing a trend here.
deleted by creator
People have been making original movies for over a century, many of which have profoundly stood the test of time. I’ll watch any of those before I will watch a modern remake or sequel.
To the answer the question I just now watched Things Change on my friend’s Plex server. Four stars.
I would almost certainly be into leprechrust and flowerviolence.
Slide the stick out and it might actually work.
This guy is safe
Aw fuck. I was just starting to get regular depressed again and then you go and remind me that there’s also a whole other kind of depression on its way. Depressing.
I think I’m better off just not knowing.
I was pretty into it when we were doing vans.
Username name checks out
I mean, if you want to do that at the salad bar I’m not gonna stop you but others might not be as forgiving.
Proper decorum would require ladling it into a pitcher for the whole table then drinking it from red plastic cups.