What do they normally put on hot dogs in NY?
What do they normally put on hot dogs in NY?
It doesn’t specify Einstein’s age. Plus this ability would be priceless for people in wheelchairs.
With comprehension like that You could be a financial advisor for the US government.
Free gravel. That’s building material. You can always sell building material.
I’ll repeat my comment from some time ago. He doesn’t deserve Kathy Bates. He can get Rosanne Barr or Rob Schneider.
Those would make cool t-shirts .
Mine too. And 80% of it is furry porn.
Kanye? I remember people liking Musk. Imagine that.
If I had pecks like the guy in the picture I’d work in a smelting plant shirtless just to show off.
When You see it spelled like that, do You also read it as “shitter”?
Ironically “I don’t feel like dancin” is dancible as hell.
So I probably should see a doctor…
Considering what he posts, he’s most likely a troll.
I always wanded a jouch.
So if she gets him a plumber outfit, he’ll fix the plumbing?
I would think. Everything is better with mayo.