Idk about always But my rule of thumb is If they don’t sell the games anymore Then pirate away
I want to agree with this, but I don’t. It presupposes that piracy harms the publisher. If you go by the premise that free info sharing is ultimately good for the creator or publisher, then it’s arguably morally better for people to turn their backs on Nintendo all together and put their time and energy into makers who aren’t so hostile.
“This is what you get for having the name Bowser without our express written consent.”
“And not being related to Doug Bowser, who we currently own as well”
That situation is fucked and I’m definitely siding with Gary. He deserves so much better. Fuck Sintendo
Here is a Darknet Diaries episode about it where Garry Bowser talks about that and his history of modding devices and Team Executer
Pretty interesting if you have an hour and a half to kill.
deleted by creator
Not saying that the punishment is proportional, but this guy isn’t exactly a hero.
Team Executor stole open source code from the Atmosphere project and then sold it as SXOS with added DRM that could permanently brick systems.
Yeah but not “30% of his income for the rest of his life” evil, even more so since I think he wasn’t even a dev on the project but just a web master for their site.
For the rest of his life?? How the fuck would this even be enforceable?
Don’t discount the impact of living in a capitalist nightmare
Emudeck my beloved. Fuck this company.
If he started a GoFundMe id donate a few dollars
If I wasn’t broke as fuck that is.
You’d willingly give Nintendo 30% of that GoFundMe?
Does a GoFundMe count as “income”, or will Nintendo try to take 100% of it, in addition to 30% from his actual income?
Why would it count as anything but income?
GoFundMe isn’t some magical charity. It’s just online begging.
One could also think of it as capital gains, since it grows in value when people “invest” in it. Nintendo’s lawyers may claim that because of that it should not be considered an income but an “asset” that they can take in its entirety to cover some of the debt.
Then again - if that GoFundMe can actually cover the entire fine, that could turn out to be a good thing. Yes, we’ll be giving money to Nintendo, but Nintendo does not really need that money. What they want is to ruin that man’s life in order to send a message. If the public can un-ruin that life, that would send an opposite message - and a signal backed by money, too.
Is he related to Doug Bowser?
Seriously, what are the odds? I was really confused as to why Nintendo was going after their own all of a sudden.
This makes a lot of Bowsers related to Nintendo !
Nintendo is fucking C A N C E L L E D! Lmao
I see nothing wrong with this but I have less than zero sympathy for anyone that profits off of piracy.
I would agree in the case of reselling pirated content, as a core piracy principle is that data itself has no value and can be given away for free. Once you start selling it, you’re just a thief.
But he was part of a modchip team selling physical hardware. They manufactured a real product that was not itself pirated, and users had the choice to use the devices for homebrew or even to not install them at all.
This case is literally like blaming a gun manufacturer for murder.
data itself has no value
Programming: the art of creating worthless things and still getting paid for it.
Well, no cost to replicate, anyways. I’m a strong believer that if you get value from something you should pay for it, but in my youth I did pirate a lot of games and media because I didn’t have the disposable income for it. No sales were lost.
I still do pirate games I own. My daughter pretty much has exclusive use of my Switch now so I play my Switch games on PC. Honestly I will buy games and then never play the official copy, and download the ROMs to run at 1440/120FPS on PC.
Ironic that Xecuter got busted for Switch modchips when emulators now do a better job than the Switch itself.
I also only pirate games I own, though for slightly different reasons. I don’t think you should pay for everything you get value from (I don’t [directly] pay people back for gifts, for example,) but I do think it’s theft to pirate a game you never bought. Plus, buying games is how you support the developers.
Kind of makes sense if you view the program as a service. Many programs could be interpreted as contained, executable, repeatable services. Either way they’re so abstract compared to lots of other goods and services that they’re gonna be their own niche kind of commodity anyway.
if data has no value then why do people want it so bad?
This is nothing like a company selling a weapon specifically designed to kill people being used for the thing it’s designed to do…
“Better protect the sweet, innocent (totally never misused the court system before) multi-billion dollar corporations. ESPECIALLY NINTENDO”
Hot take
I pirate the absolute shit out of Nintendo games and everything else. My issue isn’t with the piracy, it’s with people profiting off of piracy. Those people can get fucked and I love to see it.
So your base issue isn’t theft… it’s rampant capitalism?
More like a strict belief that piracy should be free. In Gary’s case, charging money for sxos and adding DRM to it is what really bothers me though I will admit that I don’t like the precedence this case sets.
A friendly reminder: SxOS is a mostly ripped off version of the FOSS CFW, Atmosphere.
I don’t care that they sold hardware for a profit, but they can go fuck themselves for TIVOing open source software and pretending it was all their own original work.
You must be on a speedrun for downvotes to leave that comment on Lemmy of all places.
I’ll take my lumps in this case. Gary Bowser is a piece of trash for a plethora of reasons. The precedence this case sets is honestly pretty terrible but the punishment couldnt have happened to a better person.
What are those reasons? What precedent does it set?
He should be made to repay Nintendo for every dollar they can prove he cost them
they are not jesus to spend their own cost for operations. sometimes they spend a lots of time too.