it’s barely more than what they offered me when i was in high school and i told them to fuck off? military service does not pay all that well
it’s barely more than what they offered me when i was in high school and i told them to fuck off? military service does not pay all that well
it’s not, that is your annual salary
only 35k to dodge bullets in some far off corner of the world away from your loved ones?
and they’re surprised no one is taking that offer?
Every time I’ve gone to move to a new place, central air has been my top priority. I refused to consider homes that relied on window units, swamp coolers, or those floor units that are basically a scam.
I live somewhere with cold winters and hot summers though, maybe I would feel different somewhere with more mild seasons.
It’s true with most appliances.
The problem is it is difficult to know today which appliances will still be functioning in 20 years.
I keep seeing this meme and I don’t get it. Oppenheimer wasn’t surprised when the bombs were dropped on Japan.
if data has no value then why do people want it so bad?