They’ll just use photo apps with filters and upload from their gallery. They’re not about to show anyone what they actually look like but they also aren’t going to quit posting.
They’ll just use photo apps with filters and upload from their gallery. They’re not about to show anyone what they actually look like but they also aren’t going to quit posting.
Only 2% where I live (Toronto) but that still works out to over 20k at the average house price. Realtors making bank.
I’m over here pirating things because I don’t want to pay for them but I’ll probably never watch/play them. Which side of the image am I?
I definitely agree that it’s getting harder to use. Working in print, I use it every day and every time they update the ui they find ways to slow down my work flow. My favourite is when they change or even remove keyboard shotcuts that have worked forever or hide certain tools because they’ve added a newer, worse way to do the same thing.
The dad from Alf was 44 when season 1 came out. I’m an average looking 44 year old now and look at least 20 years younger than he did. The silent generation got old in their 30s instaad of their 60s.
I’m not leaving my home for $9. Y’all that hard up?
I think the come in cheese, soy sauce or lightly salted flavours. If you have an Asian grocery store nearby, they might have them.
Tongari corn gets me my Bugles fix
But your pints are smaller
I’ll take my lumps in this case. Gary Bowser is a piece of trash for a plethora of reasons. The precedence this case sets is honestly pretty terrible but the punishment couldnt have happened to a better person.
More like a strict belief that piracy should be free. In Gary’s case, charging money for sxos and adding DRM to it is what really bothers me though I will admit that I don’t like the precedence this case sets.
I pirate the absolute shit out of Nintendo games and everything else. My issue isn’t with the piracy, it’s with people profiting off of piracy. Those people can get fucked and I love to see it.
I see nothing wrong with this but I have less than zero sympathy for anyone that profits off of piracy.
Going to be? We already are, along with older millenials.