I don’t know what’s weirder between soda spoon and salad spoons.
At this point I think I’ll just adopt. Plenty of kids to go around, no need to make more.
Just use cardboard. It’s that easy.
Cloudflare can be a pain sometimes when I’m using qutebrowser, but surprisingly I don’t have much issues with it besides that. I highly recommend it, if you’re looking for a keyboard-driven and an easy customizable browser!
Emudeck my beloved. Fuck this company.
I don’t know who this guy was and I’m not American, but I dissaprove of people vandalizing or destroying old statues. They should be removed from public view if they’re controversial, but they should be kept (if they have historical significance). Destruction of history, no matter how dark it was, is a crime in my eyes. Nobody would think about destroying concentration camps or the likes, even though they represent the most horrific part of our history. And besides, pretty much everyone born more than two centuries ago were assholes and bigots by today’s standard, it’s hard to judge when most of them probably did not know better. Again, not cautioning what this dude did, probably slavery and a great deal of killing I imagine.
Yeah I wouldn’t mind it, but it’s only for a very niche use, just to appease my OCD. I can’t actually see the cover art clearly, the screen is goddamn small on my mp3 player. So paying would be overkill for this.
I prefer to use the real term, not the christian knockoff. Happy Saturnalia everyone!
I think there’s a place for both AI images and artists, there’s no need to be tribalistic for this. I used AI to generate some albums covers for my personal playlists, but I won’t print out AI art and put it on my wall or anything. But this whole story got me interested in making commissions, since I’ve never done it before, and I think a piece of art can be a wonderful gift for someone.
Americans saying that F° is a more human and relatable temperature measurement, how many times have you been to Dantzig in the 18th century again? Do you even know where Dantzig is? Because i’ve seen water freezing quite a few times before.
That’s fair, my only issue is clearly determining what makes someone a member of the group. I guess for LGBT it’s more clearly defined, but it becomes a lot harder to determine if you’re from X ethnicity or if you belong to Y culture (or I guess the hard part is to make people accept you in their club…)
That makes a bit more sense if that’s a culture thing, but how do you define someone who belong in that culture? Is a black person born from a very wealthy European family still allowed to say it, even though he might have nothing to do with the culture? It just seems weird to me how you clearly define this, I mean even clearly defining what a black person is, is pretty much impossible.
I have no clue what words are those supposed to be so yeah, you’re right.
I’m curious, is there another word that have the same taboo status as the n-word? I’ve never heard of another word that can only be uttered if you have the right shade of skin. What a stupid world we live in, seriously.
I remember hearing that they have to ask them to drop their weapon when they shot someone, and they even have to handcuff them, even if they’re obviously dead or at least not a threat anymore, just to make sure they follow the procedure. Is that true? I’ve also heard that they are advised to “magdump” i.e emptying their entire magazines on their target, to make absolutely sure they won’t have a second adrenaline-fueled wind and reach for a weapon.