Get away from me with your pants Satan!
No, it’s “get your pants away and come with me, Satan <3.”
Stealth ! meme (the pic is from Star Trek: TAS).
90s Steven Segal went a bit crazy with the spray tan
Are you me? This is literally the discussion I have with myself every weekend.
I’m lying in bed with my dog contemplating this one right now. On one hand, I’ve got a fair bit of work to catch up on, but on the other, my wife is out of town for the weekend and I have the whole house to myself.
Those are the best weekends. Do whatever you want until 1 hour before your wife gets home and then rapidly clean everything so it looks like you were productive.
Does visiting a dispensary count as getting things done ?
Only if you put some pants on
And can count.
Please answer soon. I’m about to go to the dispensary and would prefer not to wear pants, if it’s an option…
Perhaps a nice tennis skirt?
And a respectable ascot.
A heroin dispenseary?
Best I can do is put on my pants and cook food because food is pretty good.
I did the dishes and sorted some clothes to donate this afternoon. Still in pajamas, but will go drop stuff off later. Going to a pop-up night market/carnival thing later tonight.
Smoking all day though.
That sounds fun! Report back on how it was :)
Stay lifted.
Is this from Mormon Jesus? It looks like it’s from Mormon Jesus.
Naw, it’s Star Trek: The Animated Series. I illegally downloaded this in 2000 on mIRC.
Why he kinda cute… 😳
Notice how both of those apples are being offered by the serpent. 🤔 🤔 🤔