I wonder what hot must-have mass produced junk marketers will convince people is hot next year.
I wonder what the hot must-have plastic junk will be next year.
Suddenly it just becomes “who’ll make a gay porno for 7 figures?”
The answer is everyone.
Your opinion has been noted, I stand by my first statement.
I almost mentioned the Mulford Act.
Sounds like a win/win tbh, we protect ourselves or we get stronger gun laws (to protect everyone).
I tell my trans and PoC friends as often as I can (without being obnoxious), now is the time. Arm yourself, get a gun or two (a long one and a short one), learn how to use them. Start networking with like-minded people in your community. Get some basic first aid training (medics really just need to know how to stabilize someone). The police will not protect us, that much has been shown; they would sooner club an old man to the ground than render aid to someone upsetting the status quo. When this country begins to fracture and fall apart, ourselves and our communities are the only things that can truly protect us.
Prepping for a natural disaster is a good idea.
Having some non-perishable food, batteries (and candles), water, meds/important documents, etc tucked away for an earthquake or tornado is a lot different than stockpiling guns and ammmo; hoping for the end times so you can become a raider or something. That seems to be what a lot of these guys are fantasizing about.
I’ve told them repeatedly though? If they’re not aware at this point it’s on them.
I don’t see any overly trolly comments. What’d they say?
You’re better off pointing out where they said inaccurate things than just saying “troll!”
And whatever you’re texting, and your geolocation, and your contacts, and anything else they want off your device.
Context clues? Every other image is of a seal.
And since you’re already certified the paperwork will be a lot easier to push through.
I know some people like him but Dean Koontz might as well be filling out Mad Libs for all the originality in his stories. They’re enjoyable enough for brain-mush but barely even qualify as “books.”
[X] press to doubt.
You shitpost on the internet acting like you and Google are buddies and you’re ok with your data being collected because you “understand how to make money and find value in youtube.”
I’ll access all the same content and not be ttracked. Luckily chumps like you will keep on clicking those ads and it’ll be too much of a headache stopping people like me from blocking them.
Bro I see girls with short hair wearing boots all the time and nobody bats an eye. The second a dude in a dress walks by everyone stares and whispers. There’s worse things that can happen to a guy in a dress than weird looks too, and I’d wager they’re more likely to happen.
I don’t want to go to their party, I want them dragged to the one we all throw for them in the street; that’ll be a lot more fun for most of us.
A whole lotta people are gonna eat em if they aren’t careful.
Of course, do you think people just go on the internet and tell lies?