They’re bourgeoisified by their relationship to the means of production. They are paid the full value of their labor through bonuses and high wages and stock option, they don’t need unions and we don’t need them.
/u/outwrangle before everything went to shit in 2020, /u/emma_lazarus for a while after that, now I’m all queermunist!
They’re bourgeoisified by their relationship to the means of production. They are paid the full value of their labor through bonuses and high wages and stock option, they don’t need unions and we don’t need them.
That supervisor has a distinct relationship with the means of production compared with other workers. His job (you’ll notice this strata of workers are almost always white men) is to extract the surplus value from other actual workers, and because of this he is actually being paid the full value of his labor. This makes his class position distinct from other workers.
That’s why you don’t tell the supervisor about the union until it’s too late for him to stop you.
There’s a strata of workers in the imperial core that are elevated above other workers by the distribution of superprofits. A white collar supervisor isn’t bourgeois, but they aren’t proletarian either. Hence, middle class.
No, we should also be fighting for lower prices.
It’s just that the way we achieve them is with price controls. Stop letting profiteers take as much as they want.
Judging a privileged social caste is absolutely fine. What’s next, you gonna defend whites against racism? 🙄
We got these now 😒
Different brains.
When I took over programming for my robotics team in highschool I switched from whatever visual flowchart bullshit they were using to robotc. I can’t make heads or tails of programming without actual words that literally say what the program does.
Imagine how cool it is in the summer!
Unexpected uses for septic tanks!
The Supreme Court ruled that any Official Act done by the President is Constitutional.
Surely you can think of some pretty cool stuff this enables?
Also known as the Apartheid Defense League
Deregulating the industry while we’re on the cusp of a bird flu epidemic and after pulling out of WHO. 💀
But this hole was made for me!
The Supreme Court ruled in Trump v. United States that the president is above the law: as long as he is performing an “official act” he can not be prosecuted for it.
Congress is only an obstacle because he allows himself to be stopped by it.
Biden is still the president.
That’s not good enough! We will never win with a platform of “keep things from getting worse”
We have to promise to make things better and then work for it and then make it happen.
When the only thing you can offer is “make it harder for Republicans” you’ve already lost.
They aren’t harassing people. They’re harassing motorists. Very different.
Aw, I like talking to you libs. ✌️