We do what we can, because we must!
We do what we can, because we must!
Those who think that labor market under capitalism gives uncompetitive salaries (that is below that what market would give in equilibrium) are wrong. The salaries are higher than supply and demand in equilibrium would give. This is why people do not want to lose the job, because they are afraid that other jobs would pay less (meaning that they are getting more than equilibrium would give) or that they just become unemployed. This is also why there is unemployment - businesses prefer to have less work places and pay more, so that they get the best employees.
This is actually classical example where market (labor market) does not work as wished by market supporters (achieving no unemployment)- there always will be unemployment and at the same time there will be always unhappy people who are afraid of losing their jobs. But uncompetitive salaries is not one of the problems of the free labor market. Small salaries, maybe, but not uncompetitive.
are we
Thank you, kind stranger. Corrected.
AI is a tool, and one need to learn using it. But even today, just two years from introduction to the public (LLMs) it has lot’s of uses. This is one of the fastest adoption of nearly any technology.
Sigh… zip…
Well, at least in that we agree - you are not good person. And making personal attacks to a person who simply stated his opinion is not “necessary” by any account.
I bet you think about yourself as a good person. But you are not.
I am an apple phone user from iPhone1. (While I do not consider myself apple fanboy, switching to android phone is just too much hustle), I have not purchased dongles for myself ever. I have purchased one dongle for my family - for daughter to use it with her headphones, (but androids are not better here with headphone jacks). I do not want to spend much money on my phone, so I buy top model of the phone and wait about 5 years before I switch. Apple is excellent with software updates so all the iPhones always run the latest software. I suspect this would not work as well with droids - software support at least few years ago was less long. So I totally think that I save money with iPhones. Also, have you looked at flagman android phone prices? They are similar or even more expensive than iPhone.
I do understand, of course, that different patter of phone usage may lead to androids being better/cheaper for other people, but not for everyone.
That counts as apology this days?
Are you violently agreeing with me?
The fuck is that? I am not Apple funboy, but the judgement here is easy.
In what sense Apple is expensive monetary?
In any case if this is a face off, Apple will win - it has greater, much grater loyal customer base. Sooner or later Apple will have AppleGPT and will include premium subscription into Apple One plan, or whatever it is called. And I am telling this as both an Apple user and ChatGPT paid user.
In what sense Apple is expensive monetary?
If it is paid app with lots subscriptions, most likely it is safe (or as safe as government). The biggest problem with those if somebody else steals your login info from their system. I do not believe they hunt or store faxes themselves if you delete the document after sending.
Why you did not use an app that can take a photo of a document? Even if you do not want to use free trial, they are still cheaper than $12 per single payment (usually a week of use).
At least printers are not people (anymore).
You should have continued citing your sources to have complete picture and correct historical context, not picking and choosing since it creates distorted picture:
Believing that Nazi Germany was a lesser enemy of the Jews than Britain, Lehi twice attempted to form an alliance with the Nazis, proposing a Jewish state based on “nationalist and totalitarian principles, and linked to the German Reich by an alliance”.[22][23] After Stern’s death in 1942, the new leadership of Lehi began to move towards support for Joseph Stalin’s Soviet Union[17] and the ideology of National Bolshevism, which was considered an amalgam of both right and left.
I guess the point is that this might be counterproductive - the panic on the market may drive the oil price so that the overall it is positive to Russia’s war effort.
I can so relate!
“Self is an illusion!”, “The meaning of life is to create meaning for the universe!” are so banal when you say it aloud, or even type.