I’m not sure being able to get away with breaking laws much more easily than most really makes one “lawful”
You know how in Skyrim if a guard catches you breaking the law, you can just give him gold and he’ll fuck off and let you keep stealing?
It’s lawful like that.
So in other words, neutral evil. He’ll exploit the law to further his selfish goals like the rest of them, but he also has zero hesitation to ignore the law when that suits him better, which precludes any “lawful” alignment.
The propensity to prioritize self over many many others when it would not be any real loss to do so other than a line on a graph…that tips it from neutral into full (technically) lawful evil IMO, but severe moral evil. If you could do good but enrich yourself at someone else’s expense instead, that’s premeditation and a qualifier for crimes just sayin
I’m not sure that you’re following what I’m trying to say.
On the “the law is very important” to “it’s very important to oppose the law” scale, his sometimes but not always illegal ways of enriching himself puts him somewhere in the middle and the fact that he literally doesn’t care whether it’s legal or illegal as long as it even POTENTIALLY benefits him or just the perception of him puts a line under that.
But yeah, we’re agreed that he’s extremely far to the malevolent/selfish end of the benevolent/kind to malevolent/selfish scale.
Musk and Trump are chaotic evil.
Or possibly neutral evil.
Chaotic feels more appropriate, since they’re only really predictable if you try and think of the absolute dumbest possible thing they could say or do at any given moment.
Hey. Trump probably isn’t really a billionaire and has managed to get charged for crimes even though his former job made him legally above the law. I don’t think lawful evil is the correct alignment.
More like chaotic moron
Definitely Chaotic Evil, have you ever read his 3am rage tweets?
Nah, he’s textbook neutral evil. He’ll sometimes break the law to his advantage and sometimes exploit the law to his advantage. He doesn’t give a fuck either way.
You think these folks are lawful evil? Trump has 90 some indictments against him.
He’s definitely not lawful, but I’m also not sure he belongs on a billionaire chart.
Lawful != Following the law of the land Lawful means your justification for your actions is within the bounds of a strict personal code or creed.
Yeah, and Trump doesn’t seem to have one of those either. But I chalk that up to the brain worms more than anything else.
He has a creed: loyalty to himself. He talks about it all the time like he’s some mafia.
Obligatory: ‘lawful’ alignment doesn’t necessarily entail not committing crimes, only adherence to some sort of code.
But yes, Trump doesn’t do that, either.
Yea gonna go ahead and say at least 6 of these scumbags are unlawful evils.
Lawful implies that they respect the laws…
Maybe in this case Lawful implies that they buy the laws?
it implies they are heavily involved in writing the laws
That’s only if the laws mattered for them.
Actually, I’m pretty sure Trump, being the eternal narcissist who thinks of himself being above the rules as a given, would be Neutral Evil. He wants to assert his selfish will on society IN SPITE OF the law as often as by USING the law.
The others are accurate, though.
Elon is definitely Chaotic Evil now.
Nah, I’m pretty sure that he’s still lawful evil. Just because the rules are getting more nonsensical and arbitrary doesn’t mean that he’s no longer committing evil using rules and regulations like a true lawful evil villain.
I don’t know if you’re one of them, but a lot of people think that chaotic evil is inherently more evil than neutral or lawful evil. It’s not. It’s just a different flavor of malevolence 🤷
Just because the rules are getting more nonsensical and arbitrary doesn’t mean that he’s no longer committing evil using rules and regulations like a true lawful evil villain.
This right here, plus the massive influence they have on creating laws (or making sure some never get passed) in the first place.
The deluge of court cases against him, ranging from wage theft and lying to the market, to releasing an alpha level self driving car on the streets, show he doesn’t give a fuck about the laws - some of his edgelord reactions even indicate he has a pathological contempt for the law.
And that’s leaving aside the fact that he’s not actually a billionaire.
Trump is the most lawful person ever to walk the earth, nobody past or present has ever been as lawful as him, everybody knows that., You know that.
Trumpy is only is a billionaire in his dreams
Trump is a billionaire?
If you only use his own words as a source, yes.
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Lmfao, this one man is hoarding enough money to solve world hunger 10 times over, and enough influence to change the entire way the world is run, but what he wants (and I know this because of his actions) is to never drop out of the top 5 richest people on the planet list.
And he has you not only convinced that he gives a shit about anyone but himself, but so much so that you are willing to publicly lick his boot.
Good to see the PR is serving its purpose I guess…
You’re right, but 100 billion is definitely not enough to solve world hunger. It an enormous systematic problem and can’t be solved by just throwing pocket change at it.
Now, influence maybe, that’s hard to quantify.Actually, you could solve world hunger for free, by destroying the system that creates it, and fairly distributing the food already being produced
But even if you look at actually tackling it within capitalism, I was basing my estimation on when the UN told Musk it would take 6 billion.
That link confirms that that figure is out of date, but yours is still off Current estimates suggest that as of this year, we need donor governments to invest around $37 billion every year until 2030 to tackle both extreme and chronic hungerThat really is pocket change if they split it between them, even just the top 5 or even ten richest, let alone all of them.
They choose not toThank you for this. So sick of pretending our problems are unsolvable when we have both the resources and the knowledge to solve them. “It’s just too big/complex to tackle!” is capitalist propaganda.
I believe in most estimates that 100 billion would get us 33% to solving world hunger. Definitely not enough, but also not a drop in the bucket
He made that money by stealing the surplus value of other people’s labor, which probably would’ve done much more good in the hands of the workers instead of being hoarded, as much of it is now.
His business practices harmed consumers.
His meddling in education has caused much harm.
He met with Epstein many times, and probably committed statutory rape.
Were he not evil, he never would have become a billionaire in the first place.
Extend, Embrace, Extinguish
he is literally one of the most deplorable people known to man and is the literal definition of a capitalist. Whitewashing, propaganda, proprietisation, he does all and everything detrimental to society
looks like someone fell for the propaganda. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A GOOD BILLIONAIRE. which charity does he mainly donate to again? oh yeah, the one which his family controls. he has painted himself as a genuinely good person. idc how much he pledges to donate when he dies, if he still has the money now, he is evil.
The dude single handily fucked the American education system by mainstreaming voucher schools. His “gifts to education” was a poison pill and that really does sum up the entirety of billionaire philanthropy.
If being a billionaire is inherently deplorable, why are you defending one?
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Yeah he gives so much back, like the time he was lobbying against lifting the patent on covid vaccines at the height of the pandemic so developing countries can afford them because he invested in vaccine companies.
How does that boot taste tho?
There are endless articles about all the ways in which that is bad.
imagine a society not dependent on individual charity (with wealth expropriated from the working class) for improving material wellbeing.
does a ‘nice’ king justify monarchy?
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slightly less bad
What is even the point of making that point though? Do we give him a cookie for being a “nice” exploiter?
Does “Lawful” apply here when they’re buying politicians to change those laws for them?
Lawful doesn’t necessarily mean following the laws of a state, but adherence to order and hierarchy. Buying politicians to bureaucratically stack the deck in one’s favor is compatible with lawful evil, for someone upholding a hierarchy in which they’re (supposed to be) on top.
If it’s more driven by greed than ideology, it’s probably more neutral evil.
Nah. Some of those rat fucks are straight chaotic evil. Lawful usually means they have a consistent set of ideals they follow. Rules they won’t break and such. Some, like Trump and musk, would gladly break any rule they’ve previously set to get just a bit further ahead than others.
Well yeah, that’s their rule. “Fuck y’all” and “Anything to get me ahead”.
They’re lawful only because they write the laws.
Musk was bald but too vain to wear it well.
Awful* Evil
I dunno, I think Elon leans Chaotic.
Chaotic stupid. Definitely a murderhobo if I ever saw one
Elon for the last time you can’t name all of your characters “X”!
But I want them to know I’m gonna GIVE IT TO YAAAAAA
Chaotic stupid evil.
Might be switching Trump to unlawful evil in a few months here.also might be dropping him from the list entirely