Tbh I’m a bit surprised no one has carved it up for pre nuke steel
Tbh I’m a bit surprised no one has carved it up for pre nuke steel
Proud to be an American-Lee Greenwood
Ironically, moreso for legal reasons than anything else. If Jeeves becomes the sole guardian of the kids’ inheritance, offing him means you lose the passwords to the offshore accounts and control of the trust goes to some extended family member or the bank itself. If he can be coerced or turned, you’ve a much easier route to accessing the funds, buying the company that makes school lunches and telling them to knock it the fuck off charging children for food.
We don’t need to kill them all, just enough to make the rest realize that “number go up” doesn’t mean much when you see a torch and pitchfork every time you look out a window.
E) This is assuming all banks and lawyers follow legal procedure, which may go out the window along with the first publicly defenestrated billionaire so…I’m not sure how we go about getting all the digital bank notes but I’m just a grunt who exits the plane early, that’s a question for someone smarter
Sure you can have the infinite money stone. All you have to do is make it past everyone who will suffer to power it, there’s a lot more of them than you and they are hungry
Compare the number of size S body bags used every time the cops gather to watch another “mentally troubled loner” to the average number of immediate family over 18 size of each billionaire, kids would have a trust fund guardian you’d rather capture than kill. All in all you’d probably expend a lot less ammo for more benefit going top down. Hypothetically of course.
It’s the closest thing to the Hitchhikers Guide we have
Relying on a single sensor was a terrible design decision, not bothering to inform and update/retrain pilots on the new addition to their steering process was downright criminally negligent and should see several executives in prison.
Thanks for alerting me to the typo. Also I’m posting all this from Voyager, which is great. Keep up the good work 👍
Autocorrect got me, not Lamar. Levar Burton hosted a show called Reading Rainbow and also played chief engineer Geordie La Forge in Star Trek
Pretty sure Geordie and Levar from RR agree on this.
I’m one generation away from being able to get an Irish passport and boy do I hate that right now
Can confirm, family business. From the minute you walk into MEPS till the VA you are just a serial number piece of meat. Anyone who fights for better vet treatment gets a solid 👍 in my book. Some of those “drug addict moochers” had more medals than cloth on the uniform when it came time to clean out the closet but who cares about that after they come home right
You didn’t need to repeat yourself
Chemical/liquid rockets and compressed gas thrusters are two different things with different functions. You’re right that lighting a fire in space won’t do much but make a cool firework. A thruster doesn’t so much push against space as it does nudge the ship in the other direction. Newton’s 3rd law and all that except the second “body” in this case isn’t something physical outside the ship but rather the force of the the gas leaving the thruster nozzle causing a recoil.
Also helps the guy wrangling carts, those things get hot in the sun
I think years of pushing for laws to make it legal to run over protesters in their pavement princesses is going to lead to a lot more road rage incidents. Idiots are already emboldened by putting on that red cap, now they have a vehicle too.
I hope this is quickly exposed as a poorly planned inside job, but even then it won’t matter to the Base. Y’all Qaeda has moved into full on terrorist demagogue territory.
Looks like it was recurring for a bit, I remember the hat move and trying to say “three thousand” with a frozen mouth after eating a bowl of ice cream is difficult
You have no idea how rare it is to find a passing ship, much less one worth hitching a ride on but geez, I’m done with this planet.