TIL, thanks!
(also good to know I described it correctly and they’re not meant to be fighting or anything lol)
TIL, thanks!
(also good to know I described it correctly and they’re not meant to be fighting or anything lol)
Sleepy kitty = safe for belly rubs
Any other mood of kitty = it’s a trap!
In our house, anyway…
No, one of the most common mistakes is ignoring the man-made societal and economical powers that beyond merely influencing, but actively creating and shaping not only our morals and reason but our very objectivity to ensure they benefit those in power at all cost, when talking about why people behave the way they do.
The idea that the kind of media or education a person is exposed to has nothing to do with how they see the world and behave in it is beyond ridiculous.
I always remind myself this is how cats show their deepest affection, right before I move mine’s butthole out of my face… 😂
Can we please let the ableist wojaks die already?? 🙄🙄
Yeah, you might have a point there…
Bottom row for me, though the no need to sleep feels like a trick, but I’ll risk it assuming it means I’m never tired (as opposed to being always tired, like I am now).
I, completely missing the title, thought it was V from V for Vendetta, but I guess I’m wrong lol (that clip is the end of the movie, so spoiler alert, though it’s basically what the meme describes)
Before digital computers existed, humans were the computers! (first referenced as an occupation in 1613)
Skills are transferable, though there definitely are many cases where people aren’t able to access the tools and education they might need to make the most of their talents because of lack of privilege and systemic oppression (which basically means facing more obstacles to gain access to the same tools and education as the most privileged get handed to them).
So when you were born definitely matters, but so does where, to who, what gender you were assigned at birth, how abled or disabled you are, and so on and so on…
I wouldn’t be so proudly proclaiming “I’m German” as if that gives you automatic and universal knowledge, or authority, if you’d like, on, well, anything, if I were you, instead I’d get out of the way, humble myself, and go study some history.
“Only one thing could have stopped our movement – if our adversaries had understood its principle and from the first day smashed with the utmost brutality the nucleus of our new movement.” -Adolf Hitler
You really had to go and ruin it by praising Stalin right there at the end, didn’t you… 🤦♀️
(to be clear - eat the fucking rich, but that’s not what gulags are for)
Save your money, put them in a locker room and they’ll start slapping and whipping each others butts for free, apparently…
Yes, that’s why I said
the different local groups in each region, all over the globe
They didn’t just create the borders, but also actively pitted the different local groups in each region, all over the globe, against each other to keep them from joining forces against the colonisers and imperialists, so very deliberate war mongering.
Similar tactics are used today in the form of “culture wars” and institutional and systemic bigotry - we (the working class, the majority of the population) are divided and pitted against each other by those who want to keep us from joining forces and turning on them.
Lol, mansplain harder! I’m sure it had nothing to do with wanting to know when their next period was due, to, you know, know when their next period was due, and be prepared for that, without it having anything to do with a man… 🙄🤦♀️😂
fear of violence
so it’s fine for poor people to not only fear systemic violence, but experience it daily, but gods forbid the handful of people in charge of said system who are actively and deliberately inflicting violence and death on millions if not billions of people the globe daily, and for posterity, and for their own benefit, fear some violent self defence…
Violence against poor people: you sleep
Violence against our rich overlords: real shit
The level of bootlicking is gross…
government regulation (and federal prison)
how’s that been working out? (hint: it isn’t, because capitalism cannot be reformed, by design. And the point of eat the rich isn’t to just keep killing them, it’s to give them the option to end their exploitative system and give up their power for the benefit of society at large, and when they refuse, because they will, make that decision for them. Once the system is abolished any “heirs”, and former rich people who realise they’d rather live as equals to others than die filthy rich, will have no power to take the “top” position again, because there will be no top position, nor will they have any resources to try with).
We are kind of unique in our ability to sit on chairs
Not a cat person? 😹
I would also like to know.
Asking for myself.
I love that song, it was on one of the children’s songs compilation cassettes I used to listen to as a kid… It did come to mind when I was writing the description!