A liberal who realized something was wrong is something a lot of leftists once were. Accepting him should come from a place of empathy.
A liberal who realized something was wrong is something a lot of leftists once were. Accepting him should come from a place of empathy.
There are definitely different workflows for different recruiters, especially across industries.
Most of the places I applied to in my most recent job hunt had separate places to upload a cover letter and resume. If they didn’t ask for a cover letter, I didn’t write one, but I do see an argument to append one to your resume anyway.
I don’t see this mentioned there, but that Apple has largely ignored enterprise works out as a strength; other companies wrote and open sourced pretty good tools. That can result in tools that better meet your needs, and generally will result in a lower TCO.
The latest the CPU could’ve come out is around the time Barack Obama became a household name, at which point 64GB would’ve been a really big and expensive SSD. They probably wanted space
If you parked in their lot, the waitstaff will yell profanities at your driver?
really, the key to success is already being able to afford to gamble with other people’s money
it exploded all over my counter, how am I supposed to peel it??
The EU had a documented process for a member state to leave. It was untested and messy, but it existed.
There’s no legal basis for a state to leave the US. Now it’s possible we let it happen despite this, with or without armed conflict, but it’s hard to imagine a hypothetical Texit not being messier than Brexit ever was
I was a big fan throughout my child and teen years, but seeing her not only descend into bigotry, but use her large platform to push that bigotry really made it hard for me to enjoy HP going forward. I don’t blame myself for having enjoyed it in the past, but it puts a significant cloud over the series in my mind into the future; yeah, supporting her is a drop in the bucket, but a small share in the large harm she’s seeking to make with her platform is something that very much doesn’t appeal to me.
Her actions are much more visible, and much more impactful on the wider world than someone like William Shatner or Chevy Chase apparently being notorious jerks, and have soured me much more on her work than either of them have on theirs. And there are plenty of other things in the world worth enjoying that don’t have this kind of shadow cast over them.
He’s taking a break for a while, and won’t do something as regimented as weekly researched videos again. He’s still doing Lateral, his podcast, and a few smaller projects like the newsletter.
I’m hoping after he takes his break, he’s able to find a healthy balance where he can create several videos a year when he really wants to, and finds it creatively fulfilling. It really seems like he loves exploring the topics he tends to cover, so it seems unlikely he won’t return at some point. How long the break will be seems to be the biggest unknown.
“Melting down confederate statues and turning their remains into statues of the cast of hit Adult Swim animated series Aqua Teen Hunger Force” sounds like a great political platform. I’d vote for them.
The PRC and RoC share a lot of the same territorial disputes because they both view themselves as the one rightful Chinese government; they largely agree which land is “part of China”. It’s taking Taiwan’s side because it’s saying they should administer all of it.
I don’t agree that’s true in general, and it’s also not relevant to free speech
You’ve conflated punishment and consequences. You have the freedom to hold some morally repugnant view like white nationalism, and your freedom of speech protects your right to express those views. But your family can hear those expressions, and cut you out of their lives, publicly condemn those views, or you for holding them, without affecting your freedom of speech. A company can refuse to allow you to use their platform to spread those views without affecting your freedom of speech.
What can’t happen is a politician or government official use their powers to suppress your speech, arrest you, unless your speech act harms people, like shouting fire in a crowded theater. People disagree about exactly what those exceptions should be, but except for a few small but loud conservative groups trying to censor things like LGBTQ content, this basic premise is pretty uncontroversial, at least in the US.
Even a database with no licensing fees costs money in terms of wages/salaried employee time to use, so while that cost advantage is real, there are costs on both sides. If MS has products you want to use that are much easier (read: cheaper) to use with their paid database than some free alternative, that’s certainly a good reason to consider it.
The longer you use it, the less likely it is to pay off, but execs focused on short term profits don’t weigh that very highly.
My concern was around situations where someone buys keys with a stolen credit card, and sells them as a form of money laundering.
That feels nefarious, and not participating in marketplaces with a high likelihood of participating in money laundering seems like a good method of harm reduction.
But what’s the risk you’re buying keys purchased with stolen funds like on sketchy video game key resellers?
Lawful doesn’t necessarily mean following the laws of a state, but adherence to order and hierarchy. Buying politicians to bureaucratically stack the deck in one’s favor is compatible with lawful evil, for someone upholding a hierarchy in which they’re (supposed to be) on top.
If it’s more driven by greed than ideology, it’s probably more neutral evil.
Faster than gigabit, but not 2.5 gigabit. Your cables likely support the speed, just your ports and switching hardware are capped at gigabit.
It’s not extremely expensive, but unless you move around a lot of big files, you’re probably getting very diminished returns, even spending less than twice as much for 2.5x speeds.