But what of the mysterious seaplane?
But what of the mysterious seaplane?
One of my favorite lines in the game is (paraphrasing):
The problem with the bugs is that they’re relentless expansionists. We’ve found them on almost every planet in their territory that we’ve colonized.
It’s also pretty clear that we’ve been farming the bugs for space oil.
And yet you refer to yourself by pronouns multiple times in that very comment.
I’m waiting for Outlook (Taylor’s Version).
Sigterm is telling someone to kill themselves. Sigkill is murder.
But, like, for programs.
Thanks for assuming a ton there, asshole.
I have been there. I have scraped together coins I could find to buy a single pound of dry pasta, to eat it plain. Repeatedly.
Money is not such an issue for me these days, but depression is. I know how hard it can be to do the minimal steps to make food.
I understand how precious time, money, and energy can be. I have eaten cereal and the like for plenty of meals I shouldn’t have, and have always regretted it.
There are better options.
A $20 rice cooker is the same as like 5 boxes of cereal. If you are too money pressed, but have some time, one can likely be found nearly free at a thrift store or yard sale, or you can cook rice or pasta in a pot instead.
If you don’t have access to a cooking surface, we’re getting to houselessness territory, which is a huge problem and is affecting far too many people, but is beyond just being poor or not having time.
Edit: And if all that is too much, you can eat cold beans from a can. I have done this as well. It’s not great, but it’s a better option than cereal still.
How poor are we talking? I just found a pressure cooker for $25 on Amazon.
You can get a rice cooker for $20. Then, you can make rice and beans (with beans from a can) with virtually no effort.
You can also go from there if you have more time/money. Add cheese, hot sauce, salsa, avocado, make tacos, etc.
But I’ve survived many a meal with just rice from a rice cooker and a can of beans, and it’s far more nutritious and has left me feeling far better than eating cereal would.
You missed the best parts of his line. The full quote is:
I used to be with ‘it’, but then they changed what ‘it’ was. Now what I’m with isn’t ‘it’ and what’s ‘it’ seems weird and scary to me. It’ll happen to you!"
That’s not even minimum wage in Seattle.
Not really, no. Who’s going to honor the deed? There’s your central authority that can control it.
I hope that anyone who thinks they’re a Rick spends a lot of time in therapy and on self-reflection, working to change that.
Amumu is a character in League of Legends. One of his abilities is to cry, which causes damage to anyone near him.
My washer and dryer both support internet-connected “smart” features, which I find pretty silly.
However, some water got into the dryer’s interface (touch screen buttons), and we were unable to start it. Connecting it to the internet and using the app to start it was a workaround. Fortunately, the water dried and now the button works again.
So that’s one niche use-case I can think of. I’d just prefer physical buttons that are more reliable, though.
Where’d you come up with that shitty-ass straw man?
I mean, there’s tons of games where female characters wear basically metal bikinis that are used in combat. It’s not the same.
Patents expire after, what, 20 years? I’d be happy with an open source printer based on 20 year old technology.
I think they’re generally dichromatic (is that the word?). White LEDs are blue LEDs + a yellow florescent coating.
Dishwashers do a pre-wash to get most of the big stuff off, then a main wash to finish up. If you use the capsule-things, there’s only soap for the main wash.
If your dishwasher has two compartments, then put detergent in both as one is for the pre-wash and one for the main wash.
If it doesn’t have two compartments, then just put some detergent loose with the dishes for the pre-wash.
Jones on you, I can’t snap my fingers.