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The irony is that the monthly insurance premiums that are paid are higher than the taxes would be.
AND double the tax money per year for health, gdp adjusted.
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I wanna see lobbies suffer the same fate as the lobby from The Matrix.
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The bourgeois “lobby” versus the proletarian “ground floor”.
They would have to spend like 1% less on bombs per year so that’s a no go.
Actually, with less money going to healthcare profiteers, they would be able to spend more money on bombs.
Aw fuck guess I’m anti-healthcare now then
“Fuck them poor people! 😠” vs “Fuck them poor people 😎
“blocked by an instance filter for hexbear”
Ahh, so much better. Fuck them tankies
Silencing people’s speech because you disagree with them? Sounds kind of tankie to me seems the tankies don’t sound like “tankies”?
It’s so fucking funny seeing some lib who didn’t know what hexbear was until like a week ago screeching about evil tankies in response to a relatively innocuous shitpost
Safe to assume they know what tankies are because they’re fresh from
Blocked by an instance filter for hexbear
Blocked by an instance filter for Lemmygrad
Ahh, the screeching of authoritarians, to someone who just will never hear them. So wonderful
I remember when I used to act like this online when I thought I was cool, it still hurts to think about
blocked by an instance filter for
I love Lemmy. Hard for authoritarian shitbags to overrun left leaning spaces if we know where they’re coming from and can just filter them out like this
Actually, the painter wrote a 6. They were commissioned to write a 6.
Fuck your perspective, people should consider the original intent and research rather than just argue about it. Calling it “free speech” doesnt make it right or moral.
Replace “original intent” with “context” and I agree 100% with you.
I think that this is important to point out because we don’t really have access to each other’s “intention” (whatever this means); at most what they say and do, and specially for politics there’s often a big mismatch between the alleged intentions of a policy vs. what the policy achieves.
Or, playing along the pic: if that random scribble is between a “5” and a “7”, then it means six, no matter if the author claims “actually it’s a nine”.
(NB: I’m discussing this on general grounds, based on the image. I’m not from USA nor discussing its healthcare.)
What do you mean both sides are the same? They are not. One is 6 and the other is 9.
Edit: I don’t mean it in a cynical way. Just that positioning matters in establishing truth. It is not just a matter of perspective (defined as subjective perception) but rather a matter of position (defined as inter-subjective agreement).
I agree there. This comic implies that both observers are correct because they are looking at the same thing from different angles; but that’s not how most political issues are. It doesn’t matter what your perspective on human rights is. If your perspective says human rights are not good: you’re wrong. It’s more akin to two people looking at the exact same thing, but one of them has glasses on that make them see ghosts and goblins that aren’t really there.
It’s actually pretty on point, but OP’s conclusion is off. People are discounting the amount of Americans that are just good with doing a bit of frontier surgery on themselves and calling it a day.
Yeah they have bad planning for the future during end-of-life care. But technically speaking it would cause them to pay more in the short term for little benefit.
It’s important to know that’s where the argument “it would cost me more” comes from. That way you can persuade more effectively.
One dude sees a 6. One dude sees a 9.
I look at it and see a broken soda can tab.
In this thread: People that oppose healthcare already proven all over the world screaming and crying about strawmen.
“You won’t get to choose your doctor.”
I already can’t.
And would with M4A. There would be no such thing as “out of network” and as such the only limiting factor would be if the doctor themself already has too many patients.
One side simply wants you to be well. The other side wants you to die. We are not the same.
Why’s universal health care bad for poor people? Please educate me.
It’s an edit. The original has one guy saying 6, the other saying 9, because the creator naively thought “oh the political divide is really just down to people not understanding each other”. This is a fairly common opinion of dipshit american centrists.
The edited version points out how this is incorrect, and that in reality different people have entirely different political views which cannot be reconciled. The example used is that rich people (the same ones that make up the US government and receive bribes from health insurance companies, for instance) want to keep making money from predatory health insurance and so oppose universal healthcare, while the average citizen supports universal healthcare.
It isn’t just fucking poor people. It’s paying out the ass to fuck poor people. Are they so committed to their principles that they wouldn’t want to save a ton of money?
The actual rich who control our society aren’t paying out the ass, they’re the ones being paid.
Rank and file “working class” conservatives are deliberately poorly educated and fed endless propaganda to get them to vote against their interests and in favor of the rich.
Conservatives of moderate wealth, the “middle class” of small business tyrants and boat salesmen, live in constant abject terror of losing what they have. They know that if wealth were distributed equally, their quality of life would go down. As a result, they fight against any change towards redistribution of wealth, even if it would be beneficial.
Yeah, doesn’t the US congress have one of the best healthcare plan available to an American citizen? Really makes you think
Because the cruelty is the point
Ah, thank you very much. So, that’s the actual meaning of the post.
It’s not. The two people in the picture are disagreeing. The joke is that normally this picture would be captioned with two people simply disagreeing over weather the shape is a 6 or a 9, but instead they’re disagreeing with a political position.
Thank you. Make sense.
Says why right in the picture.
“Fuck them poor people”
Well, only if you’re willing to put words in someone’s mouth and willfully ignore what they actually say.
They do say “I don’t want my taxdollars to be spend on other people” though. Which is the exact same thing.
Do people really say that?
That kinda misses the point of taxes…
I’ll take what’s the definition of strawman for 500 Alex.
So why are you opposed to the universal healthcare?
I’m actually not really. Here’s at least a logical arguments one could make.
Healthcare is a scarce resource like all things. Making it universal doesn’t exempt it from that fact. Removing it from a competitive market will likely make it more expensive and prevent innovations which will keep it affordable. Competitive markets drive efficiency.
Government provided healthcare rations service availability based on criteria they set. A private system rations availability based on the indivual’s ability to afford the service. If people can afford the service additional capacity can be created with that money. Under a government system extremely long wait times are the norm … With health this may mean late diagnosis of cancer and other suboptimal outcomes.
People are generally more wealthy in the later years of their lives and also in need of more care. Under a public system the costs associated with an aging population will be disproportionately placed on younger people who still pay taxes in their prime earning years. With the number of working people constantly decreasing when compared to the number of retired baby boomers this is unsustainable under a public system.
At the end of the day I think free markets apply poorly to healthcare because you have no ability to comparison shop during a medical emergency. Also US seems to have the worst mix of regulated private healthcare which has kept costs the highest of any country. I do think most social democratic countries are basically screwed over the next 20 years with the demographics being what they are.
Removing it from a competitive market will likely make it more expensive and prevent innovations which will keep it affordable.
What “competitive market”? The USA healthcare system is very clearly a conglomerate of monopolies at this point.
Under a government system extremely long wait times are the norm.
Unless you’re literally dying, extremely long wait times are already the norm.
Yeah the US is a really poor example of a free market… I don’t think one exists for health care.
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Reality has a leftist bias
That is simply not true. Society can be maintained so long as the average individual contributes at least as much as they get. That’s the whole point of European healthcare systems: everyone pays a little bit so the few individuals who need them can get expensive treatments.
Sounds like a good reason to get rid of generational wealth. Count me in.