You have to vote for democrats even if they’re openly genocidal because at least they’re not corrupt
You have to vote for democrats even if they’re openly genocidal because at least they’re not corrupt
Active participants in a genocidal occupation are not civilians
Calling someone a tankie is not some sort of magic instant win button. All it accomplishes is revealing that you’re as politically illiterate as someone who tries to find that instant win button in the word “woke”
American families are encouraged to demand their children pay rent and throw their children out on the street once they’re no longer legally required to provide for them. Workplaces have that same energy.
Biden didn’t come in until after the damage was done, but rather than try to fix that damage he declared covid over and continued that damage. Did you never stop to think about how weird it is that people need to take covid tests to be around Biden while regular Americans are forced into workplaces that have banned covid safety measures with the full support of the federal government?
They both deserve to be impeached and executed for killing and disabling millions with their covid policies
How do you address low motivation levels though? The response to covid, the endless school shootings, their parent’s jobs, and even a small amount of reading about climate apocalypse should make it obvious to children that society despises them and that they have no future. How do you motivate someone to do well in school under those conditions if they’re not already motivated?
There used to be one streaming service. It had pretty much everything and cost half of what modern streaming services cost. Now there are several streaming services competing with each other that all have smaller libraries at higher prices. Plenty of them require paying users to watch ads. Weird.
Sounds like something a CIA bot would say
It’s important to remember that Trump isn’t being indicted for mass murder due to covid polices. He’s not being indicted for fraudulently funneling trillions of dollars to the capitalist class. He’s not being indicted for supporting landlords as they gouge everyone else, steal homes from the people paying for them, and drive millions more people into poverty and homelessness. He’s not being indicted for crushing unions, or for the horrific working conditions and infrastructure disasters that creates.
Those are the common crimes of the capitalist class. A capitalist legal system exists to protect the capitalist class and their capital, so such crimes will never be prosecuted under such a system.
“Fuck them poor people! 😠” vs “Fuck them poor people 😎 #blm”
Scratch a liberal and a fascist bleeds