Whenever I meet another web dev, they either have a job as a web dev, they’re looking for a job as a web dev, or they’re trying to create a startup. There are no hobbyists.
I often wonder about this. Does capitalism impose so much emotional freight that it makes coding intimidating? Does having it attached to ideas about working hard and getting a job drain the fun out of it?
I’m beginning to think that I would actually get more coding done if I abandoned it as a career path.
Ballmer seems like a cokehead. He probably did plenty of both, though.
If this is in the US, I feel like it would be a violation of OSHA. Or maybe it’s something so stupid that OSHA never thought to make it a rule.
If you’re going to make “as well” into one word, why not add “may”, too? Mayaswell!
Mushrooms are awesome! Milk is nasty.
There is a huge difference between criticizing a government and criticizing a religion
Agreed, but I don’t think it’s religious bigotry; I think it’s racial bigotry. Antisemitism is a form of racism. Do you think the Nazis gave atheist Jews a free pass?
OWS was run by anarchists. They had zero goals or leadership, and they actually seemed proud of that fact. It’s kind of mind-boggling that they thought they could accomplish anything by simply camping out indefinitely.
In view of that, I really can’t blame the identitarians for trying to co-opt. If they had won, there would’ve at least been goals and an agenda, instead of…sitting in tents all day.
Damn, the Lovecraftian monsters in this thread are going to haunt my nightmares.
Humans are corruptible, no matter who, and even the best of us would be corrupted when it comes to someone they love.
Agreed! That’s why I think it would be better if the workers ran things, instead of a few corrupt CEOs.
I love the top one, because it’s the same way they deal with pigeons. They see poor people as just another pest.
Try telling that to…every software company ever.
Even when the Proletariat does win, they often still install a dictatorship. Because those are the kinds of people who lead revolutions.
Yes, voting is the baseline. It’s the least you can do.
I’m sure that there are anarchists out there who refuse to vote out of principle, but they still do activist work such as participating in mutual aid groups and so on. They’re wrong, but at least they’re still helping society in some way. I think the vast majority of people who don’t vote are just lazy, though.
Fascism has already won if you’re a person of color.
I sometimes wonder about that word “finger”. If fingers fing, then what is finging?