I didn’t know weeb-hipsters existed
I have a math degree and still can’t do basic addition
Anti-tankie leftist
I didn’t know weeb-hipsters existed
Wow it’s almost as if when there’s a term that actually covers multiple different operating systems, there’s going to be variations in quality between them! Imagine that!
E: sp
This is going off my memory of an explanation I read a while ago, so I could be off on the fine details, but I believe it’s one of those things that devs do indeed have the option to do, the vast majority are just lazy as shit (I’m well aware this is likely a management decision, not he individual devs themselves in most cases) and don’t want to add anything that wouldn’t be useful on both android and ios
That’s a helluva run-on sentence but I’m too lazy to fix it.
You’re more than welcome to buy one of the many phones that comes with stock android without added bloat
Yall really forgot how to not feed the troll huh
You’re never the craziest person in the room is a generally good rule of thumb
I miss my old accord so much.
Their chrome and play store ads will forever be seared in my brain.
It’s probably a mix, but I’d wager it’s primarily a side effect of the existence of the internet. Before you’d hear the bad things in your immediate community, the really bad things from your country/region/whatever, and really only the truly horrible stuff from the world as a whole. Now you can have a constant feed of every bad thing that happens everywhere. As you see more of it, you’re bound to get desensitized.
But hey on the otherhand I have unlimited videos of cute puppies and I’d be lying if I said that wasn’t a pretty big upside.
There’s actually a fairly large sweet spot where the sub makes a lot of sense (ignoring the fact that subscriptions inherently suck, of course). If you print infrequently enough that your cartridges are likely to dry out, it’s generally quite a bit cheaper.
Of course the correct answer for most people is to just buy a laser printer and go to CVS or something the couple timed you need photo quality prints. Don’t have to worry about toner drying out
It’s almost as if different people who are used to potentially drastically different climates may have a different amount of tolerance for the cold.
“You can’t criticize blatant authoritarianism because that would be shuffles deck racist!”
Working overtime to keep that social credit score high I see
I promise you the amount I save on my payment + gas is far more than the amount it costs me to rent a truck the very, very rare occasions I need one. The same goes for the vast majority of American suburbanites.
IIRC even ice is technically a mineral
I mean, yeah. They absolutely don’t want to be spending bandwidth on those of us who use adblockers. What I don’t think a lot of people realize is that Google is perfectly happy with the people who are essentially never served an ad not using the service anymore. Saves them money.
“Only been their own country for about thirteen years or so”
Gavrilo Princip: Buenos Dias, Fuckboy
Because raise hell, praise Dale. Duh.
The Deep, is that you?