The one time congress actually did a case study on drug pricing they found that in all the internal discussions a drug company had while setting the price R&D costs were not mentioned even 1 single time.
So it’s got nothing to do with profit.
The one time congress actually did a case study on drug pricing they found that in all the internal discussions a drug company had while setting the price R&D costs were not mentioned even 1 single time.
So it’s got nothing to do with profit.
Just waiting on some subs to start moving here. But yeah I’ve seen huge decreases even in the volume of posts. The quality of comments has also gone off a cliff. I think the most engaged users were a tiny subset.
Definitely lost the rational and measured discussion crowd although they were always shrinking as a percentage. It’s even more outrage and dumb hot takes now.
It’s baffling to me that this exception exists. There’s zero justifiable reason for it imo.
Especially since I think it hasn’t been increased in ages. So it’s essentially an unpaid tip only job (yeah yeah I know they cover it if tips don’t make up to minimum)