Either of the right two, it’s gotta cover your bits.
I see the tail peeking through so there’s a tail hole. Hopefully there is also a poop hatch…although you’d probably have to get a buddy to open it…
Can a centaur scratch it’s butt?
That’s what the spear is for.
What would a centaur toilet look like? 🤔
Everything the light touches, young centaur, is your toilet
No he can’t remove them if he needs to use the bathroom it’s clearly option be 3
Does it have man junk and horse junk? It appears to only have horse junk in which case the top right would be correct
Yes, okay, but imagine being a centaur with bottom left pants. Easily accessible pockets are not to be underestimated.
Pockets, sure, but then you got the ole horse cock flapping in the wind look though
It’s a feature, not a bug.
It is retractable that of the horse and other animals, you don’t need pants to hide it.
How have you come by such advanced horse dong knowledge sensei?
The… HARD way…
Ohhh myyyyy
Surely a centaur would just have saddle bags for easy to access storage.
How do you even put those on? You’d need some kind of helper device
I was trying to figure that out too. Best I could figure, you’d start by putting the rear legs through both holes then sliding it up to right behind your front legs. Then do some kind of maneuver where you pull your front legs up to your body and try your best to stretch the pants a little bit to get your front legs into the top hole then down and out through the front leg holes, then finish sliding the top hole up into place? Idk I’ve now thought way too long about how a centaur would actually put pants on.
Just to be that guy, they wouldn’t wear pants, they would wear barding.
If you can’t let your junk fly free, I don’t even see the point of being a centaur.
But why would a centaur weat pants
Formal occasions?
1 and 4 are the same, it’s just 90s vs 2020s style.
I’m not sure either of the bottom ones are possible to put on without some amazingly elastic material.
Zipper in the back.
For once OP has a truly unpopular opinion and it goes in Memes instead. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~
Depends on how big a slut he is.
If I had a huge horse dong I would use it to impress the ladies and make huge cash on only fans
Bottom right in the winter, bottom left in the summer.
As a centaur I think I’d be too proud to entirely cover up my horse half. Plus going to the bathroom would suuuck
They wouldn’t. They would refuse and fight you if you tried to put them on one.
#4 but with front pockets…because…more pockets!
I have spent too much time pondering this. I must leave. For my own sake.