Biggest plot twisy
Good old fashion drug enhanced sports
Or more acutely, a brain and a steaming smooth pile of shit that the republicans choose to use instead.
Lucky bastard, no need to go around bragging
Well you don’t know who Schrödinger was wich means you dumb.
And a tomb is where we put you after you die if you had money. But you seem to be unable to pay taxes.
As you are speaking English it’s probably because it’s the only language you know. To me it’s one of my many options so pardon typos in my non native language cunt.
Schrödinger is rolling on his tumb
Oh thank god, I was so worried, if you left so would I. It’s amz to know that thanks you
Tbh I think the top of the mountain was infinity war. I never heard such silence as I did in the scene when gamora asks, what did it cost
If I go up and down a bit it eventually charges. Try it
Nothing little about this cat XD
No I swear, I’m in business, maybe I’m taking them down from the inside. Maybe I just wana find ways to thrive without being such a corporate greed fuck. Either way I do Wana see companies who keep fucking everyone over take responsibility, but I guess we all do
Hey I don’t know what that means but I took it personally XD
Omg I dream for a day of class actions bringing down companies and I’m not in law I promise
Fear no gods is a different type of living
He’s French. But at least he’s having a laugh with his neighbours in a daily basis I bet
Yes, yes, and yes
The stones will ???