Stop circlejerking the USA assholes. While the CCP system is not great, it’s better than a duopoly totalitarian dictatorship.
Stop circlejerking the USA assholes. While the CCP system is not great, it’s better than a duopoly totalitarian dictatorship.
Magic Feral Submariners will take over the world one day.
Playing with children can be pretty exhausting. My daughter loved her Lego pirate ship set and had me narrating the lives of ten swashbuckling sailors on the high seas every day. I needed to be on top form or she would catch my day to day continuity errors 😅
I also wear a hardhat to write software.
Maybe we become more extreme in our existing beliefs. My political compass position drifted right from bottom left as I hit my thirties. After the Iraq invasion of 2003 and recessions following 2008 it swung back towards Ghandi. I became convinced that conservative politics isn’t working in my late forties and that has only been reinforced as I try to access the creaking UK healthcare system.
An extinct civilisation called Heetzah Putt, rumoured to be near the lost city of Atlantis.
Swipe on. It’s okay if you don’t understand how this stuff works.
Ah yes, the classic centrist position. Why does it matter if the government performs mass surveillance if you have nothing to hide? Why does it matter if I drive a huge and inefficient car? I can make all these choices secure in the knowledge that I never do bad things so they never occur as a result of my actions.
Hey leave some pussy for the rest of us.
Put it with the public information broadcasts on ‘the dangers of LSD’.
I’m in a similar boat to you regarding mental healthcare. The reason we don’t complain as much as we ought to is because we don’t have much to compare. Our system looks equitable next to America but that one really is the worst. Our healthcare is orders of magnitude worse than our European neighbours, in almost every metric. In Slovakia you don’t need to beg them to see a psychiatrist and wait months or years while the NHS gaslights you. You say, I feel bad and I want to speak to a specialist. That’s it. You get your treatment.
British society is breaking down. We would rather wave flags for an ultra privileged royal family or invade sovereign nations or build aircraft carriers, than take care of our own health. These people are bigoted and hypocritical morons who chose to leave the EU, even though this is the only institution that is safeguarding their rights.
They’re actually finely calibrated stones. For instance, my weight is 13 stones and a packet of gravel.
It’s only a problem if you identify with America and its mental culture. Which country doesn’t have some unsavoury aspect, past or present? Americans have an incredibly fragile and insecure self conception.
Yeah, those guys are walking the high wire and making it look easy. One slip could result in a Dave Chappelle.
We form opinions and feelings about places we’ve never visited. I get the sense that much of the vitriol directed at the current international villains e.g. Russia, China, North Korea comes from a place of ignorance and is shaped by news media.