It’s brave to wear white pants while on your period
It looks like what you got there is a bleeding penis! Could be a two band-aider.
Free circumcision at least.
Is… Is the username relevant?
Owwww…or, is that period blood? In which case, gotta secure that shit with large pads if your flow is heavy
The splatter makes me think it came from the outside. It also looks more like wine or juice, not blood.
yeah blood wood dry darker wouldn’t it?
Unless it’s the Kool-Aid man’s blood…
Kool-aid for he Kool-aid god!
They’d also have to have been lying on their stomach for a long time for it to flow to the front. Gravity and all that
They’ve also got red on their camera hand.
That’s the part I didn’t get. Neither wine nor blood stains look like that.
Maybe it’s paint, or beetroot juice.
this juice is bangin yo!
it’s paint asshole
Not dark enough for blood
“Why would there be blood, I’m not bleeding?”
“Were you dancing with a chick in there?”
“Yeah so…? Oh… Oh God! Ew! What do I do?!”
That makes sense, I thought maybe it was fresh blood
It’s dan, not real/parody only
Well at least now his douchebag necklace isn’t the focus of the outfit
They actually sold them like that. Is the new collection from Calico Cut Pants.
How’d you get the beans above the frank?!?
You’ve got red on ya
We’ve all been there…
shit got me cryin, hope tonight eventually ended