Abdomen longer than my life expectancy
Why is the comment about being gay, he’s talking about “emasculation”, so this is about masculinity, not about heteronormativity. Still, assigning your perceived masculine virtues to everyone is kinda cringe ngl, as is defining femininity as inferior.
Yeah that’s not native german
You should go to Cologne (or I bet any other major city), now it’s weed smell everywhere 😂
It’s the tism, I have no other explanation
Edit: nvm another commenter had the same thought first 😂
Lmao same, just got PTSD 😂
The 144,000 on their way to all be old white men
God I love Mads Mikkelsen, I wish Denmark was real
Top right are oscilloscopes, doubt it has anything to do with hosting
Yes thank you so much. Thank you. This might just be what i need to buss, just might be what i need to buss. Cause Ambassing! Ambassing! Ambassing!
NSFW tag
Look inside
Why am I doing this
Im a only a species puritan
Trans people 👍
Weird beast people 👎
The aliens are going to kill me first
Hoping is coping
Action is needed