I did laundry last night. Put two Gain pod things in the bag. Only ended up needing one so I’m heading back up with the bag and this thing and I keep smelling it and it smells so good. It’s some summer berry thing and it not only smells good but edible. Then the big squishiness and the fact that it can pop open and spill goodness? Thing feels like a big berry or a small fruit or something. I had to fight the urge to bite
I still want bite
I get it now
“Cops and women don’t mix. It’s like eating a spoonful of Drano; sure, it’ll clean you out, but it’ll leave you hollow inside.”
- Lt. Frank Drebin
Blue does have the most anti-oxygens
Forbidden antimatter drink 🤤
“What do you got in them little bowls there? Blue I hope”
Chernokov radiation is the tastiest radiation. 🤤
Blue is good but purple is where it’s at.
As a kid I told my little brother with a nut allergy that the blue gummy bears were nut flavoured so that he’d leave them to me.
Where’s the blue crystal meth?
Blue was the best tasting playdoh
Also, the Tau from 40k
Meet me outside punk ass! You can’t fuck with green!
There are three things that every Greek woman must do in life: marry Greek boys, make Greek babies, and feed everyone blue foods.
Why is gatorade and powerade not on this list?