Best enjoyed by on CRAIG monitor powered by three to four AAA! pkcell bat-trees.
It’s all soothing until Scarlet Fire starts blaring through some cheap earpods
bzz bzzz bzzz bzz bz bzzzz poof
Manicial Aussie laughter
“Lets test the mic.”
Incomprehensible 'Stralian story
Dreams of dinguses and Frank😴
I’m gonna one-grit that red button so hard…
He is a bit lovely to fall asleep to, until he starts yelling about like a rock or something.
Just like bigclive
The SpongeBob talisman mp3 player video
Go on…
Have you ever wanted to watch a funny aussie man put old manky headphones on an Amp made to push sound at supermarkets
Wade is a fucking treasure!
Cheap nuggets, drum things, cool music sampling old Simpsons episodes, gameplays of the worst imaginable videogames, Frank…
There’s much to love in his trash network of channels.
You can turn off the reddit water mark when you save images from there. :)
I need link to this quality entertainment!
He has a bunch of channels. He doesn’t do ipods so much anymore but they do make appearances.
I just found myself watching a 15 minute video about Polaroids…thanks a bunch!
That bloke is amazing lmao
Ah man, big love for Dank pods!! ❤️
Me at 2am:
Watching this post
This man has changed my life. I got into him in 2022. I finally got back into my music collection again. I bought a modded iPod to keep my collection with me all the time. I bought myself a pair of HD58Xs, and it’s like I’m rediscovering my favorite songs again. Wade, you’re a treasure. Thank you for helping me love music again.
…bootleg iPods? Wouldn’t that just be an mp3 player?
Not any. iPod means the crappiest mp3 player.
I like Dankpods but I find his videos too short to fall asleep to. For me nothing beats a long winded 3 hour long lecture on the lore surrounding Warhammer 40k.
I’ve never been into Warhammer but I listen to these kinds of videos about LOTR/Sci-fi lore, maybe I should give the Warhammer ones a try.
Yes! Most definitely! If you like those things Warhammer 40k has you covered. The amount of lore around Warhammer 40k is astronomical.