I’m here for a meme time, up votes to the left thanks
What a proactive defense to prevent misinterpretations of their words!
Scans for anything they forgot to say they didn’t do
“They’re not better than me, it’s always hackers when I drop rank I swear!”
And other jokes we tell ourselves
Windows down? Same 2 songs on repeat
I flick memes to meme subs, and even I caught that in my first week.
Don’t have poor mental health, but this is what keeps me together in hard times.
We move forward because we don’t know what comes after. I know the circumstances of my present situation and must move forward. I don’t know why I haven’t considered just…not, but I know it leads down a dark path.
Haha NO!? We’re gonna ban it, and whatever platforms you move to, in a game of whackamole until you pick the “right one”, like facebook!
Good luck everybodyyyyyy (starts swinging mallet) /S but also that seems to be their mindset
I thought the internet had forgotten Code Lyoko! If I had a nickle for obscure french things in the US, I’d have two nickles! The other being Wakfu.
Lmao I like this one too
So many days I open Lemmy to post and realize the only place it would be appropriate is antique memes. I just close it and think “maybe tomorrow”.
Good thing so many users post entertaining things in the meantime
Is the bottom one not what we’ve all been doing for the past 10 years? If you haven’t worked more than 5 or so places it should also look like that right?
Also fuck cover letters. Never making one, I don’t care who they send
More recently introduced was a raccoon - another rabies vector animal. And the test for rabies becomes mandatory when you are bitten by any vector animal. You can’t “know how to handle a squirrel” if you aren’t the favored person who feeds it - it’s a wild animal that had become accustomed to the owners presence at best. Raccoons and squirrels can legally be pets in some states, but NY is not one of them.
The guy was wrong. End of statement. There’s avenues to keeping the squirrel (Google mentions a wildlife rehabilitation type job/permit that takes some months to earn that he could have done) It just keeps getting twisted because “the police did a thing” crowd, and also “oh the silly cute squirrel” crowd. Yes it was a silly cute squirrel and yes cops do bad shit - but this was on him for not moving to a place that would let him keep these animals.
(I have no idea how to make a video post I’m sorry)
It’s wonderful I’m stealing shit left and right
I missed one day due to some…personal reasons, the goal is to have enough memes next year to hit all 3 memes- .ml, .world, and lemmyshitpost
I can see how it would get to 5K including games over a long enough period of time but realistically most hobbies accrue cost over time.
5k? I don’t believe it. When in get home I’ll total up my setup and compare notes
EDIT- So I bought some stuff at different prices than you’d get today (cough GPU) so I will list a few prices for.
PC Hardware
Intel i5 10400 - $180
RAM 16GB DDR4 - $40
Mobo - $180
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 (Used on ebay) - $215, New is about $450
AverMedia HD2 Capture Card - $150 (now $99)
PCIE Wifi Adapter (Amazon) - $20
250Gb SSD (system and files, gift) - $80
2Tb HDD (Games, tried to save on budget) - $80
PSU - $120
Total Spent - $985
Total Value - $1300
Total Spent - $787 (927 if free was included)
All in - I’m at about $2k and can run Space Marine 2 and Warzone.
We have dubbed this span since 1945 “the long peace” which largely this refers to there not being 2 or more wealthy nations in a hot war since the end of WW2. It’s been proxy wars pitting poorer nations against each other - armed by rich nations, and wealthy nations going to war with poorer nations. (Poorer nations going to war and civil wars nonwithstanding because they do not impact global politics)